Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] the [det] [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 It was , you opened it and come out and shut , shut the door and you 'd lose the penny then they 'd got to go through the same operation with another penny , you know what I mean .
2 It was not difficult to arrange because I went to stay with the same farmer with whom I had spent the whole of the previous year as an evacuee .
3 So furious was she , in fact , that she felt it wiser not to stay in the same room with him .
4 Sure , there are differences , they 've got this one-eyed machine and so on , but basically it 's the same thing , and we even tell them it 's going to end in the same way with the raft capsizing .
5 It is also interesting to note that in the case of A5pC6 and T8pC9 junctions , the transition to B II almost causes the facing phosphate to change at the same time with final ε-ζ values of +18° and +26° respectively .
6 Would the Secretary of State have been prepared to sit at the same table — I repeat , would the Secretary of State and his colleagues have been prepared to sit at the same table with that man , within the confines of the Anglo-Irish Agreement ?
7 The talks , aimed at tackling practical regional matters such as water-sharing , economic development and the environment , brought together the broadest gathering of Arab states ever to sit at the same table with Israel .
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