Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] the [adj] [noun pl] between " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Many of our recent troubles in retaining and maintaining public confidence might have been less severe and more easily solved if we had not begun to depart from the traditional relationships between ranks , ’ he added .
2 All that they wanted was the full recognition of their king 's sovereign rights in the duchy , a moderate enough approach in which they had the support of the papacy , now becoming increasingly aware of its obligation to help in the diplomatic negotiations between the two countries .
3 Your statement misrepresented the educational influences upon you in your early career and sought to excuse your failure to deal with the established links between poverty and ill health .
4 A joint economic commission was established to build on the growing links between the two countries .
5 The role of political pressures such as these as a major influence upon the development of employers ' associations has been emphasised by Adams ( 1981 ) , who puts forward a theory to account for the broad differences between Western Europe and the USA both in the extent of organisation among employers themselves and in their behaviour towards trade unions .
6 With some exceptions , however , they have disappointingly little to say about the detailed relationships between people and state , how these are implemented by governments and interpreted by individuals .
7 I was invited to touch on the historical links between and the mining industry of this area .
8 The observations which we shall make can be directly linked to an account of the overall possibilities of English grammatical structure ; by this we do not mean to speak of the paradigmatic relationships between different clauses , but of the syntagmatic relations which construct the clause itself .
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