Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [pers pn] as a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It needs a powerful machine to run it at a reasonable speed but even if you do n't have such a machine you need to know about it as a sign of things to come .
2 In the cool light of this brighter day it was hard to conceive of it as a visitation of demons .
3 If she had had it in her power to change anything in that one moment , it would be for Matthew to come to her as a friend .
4 Actually seeing her physically pregnant may increase this response , and so when she has had her baby and gone back to her usual size , it is easier to relate to her as a daughter again .
5 So if four of us were to work on it as a group ,
6 Shortly before his death he complained with much justification that his Belgian subjects were refusing to receive from him as a gift benefits which the French were at the same moment extorting from Louis XVI by a great upheaval .
7 In his reply to Coenwulf , the pope refused to countenance the removal of the archbishop of Canterbury to London , but the impact of this papal prohibition was offset by the papal recognition of Eadberht 's earlier ordination and consequent ineligibility for the kingship and permission was given to proceed against him as a pretender to royal power .
8 Now , for the first time … they are asked to look upon it as a question of human nature , of equal interest to men and women , as a question of the heart , the soul , the affections , the whole moral being .
9 If he spoke to a girl a couple of times he would tend to look on her as a girlfriend .
10 Many people these days have a rather negative concept of health in that they tend to look on it as a state in which one does not feel ill or has no pain — in other words , a state of absence of illness .
11 The clarifying question is : " Is this really a problem or am I just choosing to look at it as a problem ? "
12 The simplest approach is to look at it as a device that moves your weight up and down the board .
13 I might go out and buy it straight away , I might wait weeks , months before I acquire the particular thing to give to you as a gift , you 've got ta wait on on me giving it to you .
14 ‘ It 'll be Monday all too soon , ’ Sara said , with the brotherly grimness that Thomas had learned to read in her as a style of intimacy .
15 According to Ben , she had waited for him and he had failed her ; never mind that the real fault was not his , or that he had lain at death 's door , or that he had been loath to go to her as a cripple , with nothing to offer but a life of struggle .
16 Will the Secretary of State please ask the chairman of British Rail to report to him as a matter of urgency on the state of British Rail in Wales an on its financing ?
17 It was as if he were preparing for the day he would be a big man himself in this town and wanted everyone on his side , wanted them all to think of him as a customer .
18 The public were urged to think of him as a man whose ‘ gibes and sneers in Nazi propaganda broadcasts against Britain during the war disgusted the British people . ’
19 Although it is impossible to think of him as a Londoner , this move began a lifelong association with the capital to which he returned every year for a few months , even after he had given up all thoughts of making it his permanent home .
20 Hard to think of him as a boy .
21 Alex was a prickly person , an unbalanced person , sometimes an infuriating person , but Charles did n't want to think of him as a murderer .
22 Rees-Mogg went about his business conscientiously and with a good degree of enthusiasm , and while it is hard to think of him as a representative of the common man , sheer assiduousness probably bridged the gulf between the housing estates of suburbia and the Old Rectory , Hinton Blewitt .
23 I would like you to think of me as a friend .
24 Fabia declared , stoutly , it somehow not sitting very well at all that he seemed to think of her as a child .
25 He had never asked about the child , partly from a kind of delicacy but mainly because he preferred not to think of her as a mother , and she had volunteered no information about Timmy or his father .
26 Naturally , this did not please Laura who thought the designer status was a disadvantage ‘ because people are n't so likely to think of us as a neighbourhood store ; that 's what we want to be .
27 It is tempting to think of it as a felt tendency , so that one is somehow aware of where the mind is going .
28 It 's more useful to think of it as a way of giving coherence and focus to the work of small groups .
29 The fact that he had written a large part of it after his marriage led him to think of it as a work quite different from the one he had originally envisaged.It was while engaged on it at Kensington Court Gardens that he added the more tender love scenes which provide its real poetry .
30 Although I know it 's a problem in the eyes of the public and the Health Service , I try not to think of it as a problem personally , y'know what I mean .
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