Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [art] second [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The reader 's sympathy towards Pip continues to fall during the second part of his expectations due to his rejection and embarrassment of his past life .
2 Having driven past in the usual manner , the driver then had to go through a second time in reverse so that the mourners on the other side could also take a look .
3 Hence began the campaign to enable the President to stand for a second term of office .
4 As Sir John Fortescue was to write in the second half of the fifteenth century , ‘ a King 's war is a legal trial by battle [ when ] he seeks the right he can not obtain by peaceful means ’ .
5 By 1741 the British version of the cabinet noir , the ‘ Secret Office ’ , was employing nine people ; and its cost tended to increase in the second half of the century .
6 Applications re-written specifically to take advantage of multithreading will begin to appear in the second half of the year , Sun says , but argues that customers can derive significant performance benefits from running existing applications on multiprocessor machines with Solaris 2.2 .
7 Applications re-written specifically to take advantage of multithreading will begin to appear in the second half of the year , Sun says , but argues customers can derive significant performance benefits from running existing applications on multiprocessor machines with Solaris 2.2 .
8 Things do , of course , indeed they seem to succumb to The Second Law of Thermodynamics at a rate that must occasionally surprise even the most paranoid of entropy theorists .
9 We now trade from forty eight locations in France with three more stores due to open in the second half of the financial year .
10 He also declared his willingness to participate in the second round of the presidential poll and said that UNITA would attend forthcoming multiparty talks convened by the MPLA-PT .
11 In particular the Polish government ( supported by the UK government , with which Prime Minister Tadeusz Mazowiecki had talks in London on Feb. 14 , and by Modrow , who visited Warsaw on Feb. 16 ) sought to participate in the second phase of the two-plus-four talks .
12 In the early 1980s unemployment kept climbing until 1986 , even though output had started to grow in the second quarter of 1981 .
13 IBM Corp is to license a version of its CICS/6000 CICS overlay for the Encina transaction processing monitor to Hewlett-Packard Co , which says it will offer it on its HP9000 Precision Architecture RISC-based Unix machines — but conversion of the IBM product will not be a simple task — it wo n't be ready to ship until the second half of 1993 .
14 It 's quite amusing , the England players have erm , got a second row and he 's not big enough to play in the second row for England
15 If you would like to look at the second sheet on your erm of the two that you 've got , erm this really brings to mind , one day in St Aldate 's , in the summer of 1643 , when a very hard working , methodical loyal official , Edward Heath , was ordered by the King and his Council to walk around St Aldate 's , and make a list of all the defaulters , all those who had failed to work on the fortifications .
16 Although the differences between the two sides remained too great for there to be any substantial agreement upon the outlined proposals , the Prime Ministers agreed to proceed with the second round of scheduled discussions in Pyongyang ( North Korea ) on Oct. 16-19 .
17 Speaking at the company 's developers conference , Apple Computer Inc chairman John Sculley said he expects the company 's strong momentum to continue into the second half of the fiscal year , adding that among new products on the stocks are the speech recognition computer system code-named Caspar and the pen-based portable notebook .
18 Further evidence continued to emerge during the second half of 1989 that the world was becoming gradually warmer .
19 The force has already spent £428,000 on extra officers to deal with the second incident in which two children died and 53 people were injured .
20 They came back from a surprise David Currie opener to level in the second half through Steve Walsh .
21 Mozart , knowing that his father would be devastated by the news , sought to prepare him as gently as possible for it by writing to him that she was gravely ill and at the same time writing to their close friend , Bullinger , telling him the whole story , in the hope that Bullinger could support and comfort his father and sister when he finally broke the news to them , which he was intending to do in a second letter to his father .
22 By catching the Chamden-London Inter-City train it is possible to go from the Second Division to the Third and back again on this unequalled trip .
23 Opposition leaders stated their concern that the PRI would push through an amendment to allow Salinas to run for a second term as president in 1994 .
24 In this context , the major challenge for Marxism became how to explain Marxism 's ‘ detour ’ from itself , a question on which Sartre 's project was to founder in the second volume of the Critique of Dialectical Reason .
25 There is a tendency to start on the second stage of commercially produced baby foods at this point .
26 Less than a week ago , he said that this congress would strip the party of its ideology and change its name , but it now looks likely that he will have to settle for the second half of the forecast .
27 Doubts about a rapid economic up-turn had been expressed by US Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady , who at a parallel meeting of G-7 finance ministers indicated that economic growth in the US was expected to slow in the second quarter of 1992 although longer-term prospects were more hopeful .
28 Will the Leader of the House arrange for a statement by the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland on yesterday 's meeting of the Anglo-Irish intergovernmental conference , especially in the light of the Prime Minister 's failure to respond to the second part of the question that was asked by the hon. Member for Antrim , East ( Mr. Beggs ) ?
29 The Monetary Affairs Bureau announced on Jan. 12 that the government had agreed to lift by the second quarter of 1992 the ban on the export of gold , in place since 1949 .
30 On mentioning that I was not happy to pay for a second hour of parking , for the privilege of waiting for their delayed train , I was told ‘ That 's no problem .
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