Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [art] second [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Phillipson has pointed to more direct state management of retirement , in order to regulate the size of the labour force , yet the well-known attempts by the government to induce retirees back to work after the Second World War were notable for their lack of success ; the reserve army of elderly labour was highly resistant to re-enlistment .
2 I think Eardley was — with the Cornishman Peter Lanyon , who also died cruelly young — the most important British landscape painter to appear since the Second World War .
3 But I think Freud would have also gone on to say that he had very good reason for resenting Wilson , because he blamed Wilson personally for the unjust peace , after er Versailles , but er , was indirectly , many people would argue , going to lead to the Second World War , and er , so Freud 's defence I think would be , this man really was responsible .
4 Even though the Irish need a point in Valetta to clinch their first appearance in the finals , Charlton has agreed for Galvin to stay behind to play for the Second Division side in their Littlewoods Cup third-round second replay at Bolton .
5 Queen of the South chairman , Willie Harkness , 74 , looks set to resign from the Second Division side and be replaced by Bill Jardine , a club director for 17 years .
6 ‘ Something to do with the Second World War , Superintendent , which happens to be an area I 've written about myself . ’
7 Women had to wait until the Second World War before invading station employment once more .
8 Released by a group of independent scientists to coincide with the Second World Climate Conference , the report said that to minimise the risk of environmental damage , the rate of increase of average global temperature must be held below 0.2C per decade .
9 Such a system would benefit Sunderland not only financially there would be full-houses for each match but also the big crowds would surely help the Rokermen to get the safety points they are looking for to climb above the Second Division danger zone .
10 Some of the European Court of Justice 's opinions can be quite ‘ woolly ’ and do leave themselves open to a wider interpretation , but I do not believe that the opinion was meant to be interpreted so widely as to provide for an auditor recognised in one member state to practise in a second member state without any requirement to obtain local authorisation .
11 Then one day in the summer of 1989 — around the time that I had signed a contract to go on the second rebel tour of South Africa — I got a call from Australia that came as a bombshell .
12 If a document other than originating process ( as to which , see below ) is sent by first class post , it is presumed to arrive on the second working day after posting ( working days being Monday to Friday and excluding Bank Holidays ) .
13 While age has emerged as a predictor of the current linguistic achievement in BSL , it need not always be the case if BSL teachers are able to learn from the second language literature .
14 In further discussion the suggestion was made that the best course would be to introduce the Bill without any provision abolishing capital punishment and to explain in the Second Reading debate that , since the question of capital punishment was one on which there were differences of opinion transcending Party lines , the Government felt that the matter should be left to a free vote .
15 In view of the evident division of opinion among Ministers , it was suggested at the meeting of the Cabinet on 19th June that the best course would be to introduce the Criminal Justice Bill without any provision abolishing capital punishment and to explain in the Second Reading Debate that since the question of capital punishment was one on which there were differences of opinion transcending Party lines , the Government felt that the matter should be left to a free vote on the Report Stage of the Bill .
16 The ‘ Golden Age ’ of English agriculture was over ; after the 1860s it entered a period of decline from which it was not to recover until the Second World War .
17 ‘ I had to call an automobile race car body manufacturer to make these double concave pieces which were very difficult to fashion from the second hand pattern we had .
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