Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [art] few [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Chinese do n't like their planes to fly unless the weather is absolutely O.K. So we had to wait for a few hours for the plane to arrive from Shanghai .
2 It must not brown , but should be left to bubble for a few seconds before being removed from the heat and left to settle .
3 Carwyn desperately wanted to come through a few heats of the Pipeline Masters .
4 It became the Chancellor 's habit to interrupt his morning procession to work for a few minutes of Cabinet Room conversation with the Prime Minister .
5 Before dusk Holly and those who had arrived that day were taken to the Bath house to stand for a few moments beneath the trickle of lukewarm water .
6 Mustard should be allowed to stand for a few minutes after mixing and before serving to allow the flavour to develop , but mix little and often the flavour will be retained but the pungency will soon be lost .
7 Remove the meat from the pan and allow to stand for a few minutes before slicing .
8 Sprinkle the yeast over the water in a cup and leave to stand for a few minutes in a warm place before stirring to completely dissolve the yeast .
9 The son of Caerleon is a progressive type , apparently certain to come of a few pounds for that introduction , and should be good enough to take the Queen 's Own Yorkshire Dragoons Stakes .
10 There was a movement in the undergrowth and a rabbit bobbed out into the clearing , settling to feed within a few feet of where he stood .
11 Thought you might be able to help with a few snippets of case law . ’
12 Since Freemantle had to walk within a few yards of Leapor 's door whenever she approached Brackley from Hinton , it is perhaps odd that they had not met at least in passing .
13 I was afraid to go to bed , or even to sleep for a few moments in my chair .
14 We have provided an access fund to the institutions to enable them to deal with the few cases of hardship that genuinely occur .
15 It should also help if you leave the paper to rest for a few minutes before stretching with gum strip .
16 Although most children remain well as long as they stick to their diet , a few seem to relapse after a few years for no apparent reason .
17 Air is so vital that it is only possible to live for a few minutes without it .
18 The old woman ducked quickly back into her soft cave , to linger for a few seconds by the animal .
19 Allow to dry for a few hours before painting with gold food colouring .
20 I was n't going to rush around buying horribly expensive things like smoke salmon that I could n't afford , I was going to do a big family feast and I was going to get in a few games like the monopoly or lotto or you know , I just , I have n't worked it out but I thought oh what fun
21 One has simply to glance at the few fragments of these Galatica ( 745 Jacoby ) — all quoted by Stephanus of Byzantium — to be persuaded that the author of the Galatica is a younger namesake of the great Eratosthenes — perhaps a descendant who noticed the lacunae in the geography of his predecessor .
22 I FIRST came across Theatre de Complicite seven years ago in a show called More Bigger Snacks Now , which featured a definitive demonstration of just how much mess it is possible to make with a few packets of crisps and a couple of cans of Coke .
23 The Scottish Protestants had their own dramatic gesture to make within a few weeks of Mary Tudor 's death .
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