Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [pron] [noun] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Interesting to compare as our players no better or worse than yours .
2 ‘ Simon used to work for my father a few years ago , but he … ’
3 And then , under pressure from Walter Ash , she allowed to slip into her mind the faint , faint hope that by some quirk of reasoning her mother might be persuaded to agree .
4 For example , Bill Naysmith , Group Design Director , was contacted late one evening to meet with Her Majesty the following morning .
5 The difficulty is then to find under what circumstances the appropriate boundary conditions are satisfied .
6 The lodge itself is still a feature in the landscape , possibly built in the style of the great house as those latticed panes would suggest ; but the family within it is to displace with its architecture the great houses of the Victorians , whether old or new .
7 A hectic social life could cost a packet so you might have to pull in your horns a wee bit .
8 In 1913 , in his first attempt to define the movement , he wrote : ‘ Sincere artists today feel the need to canalize and tame their inspiration in order to extract from their faculties the maximum returns , and to strike a balance between sensitivity and reason …
9 She had had a letter from Edwin 's solicitor asking her to come to his office the following day .
10 Especially since I had the misfortune to come to your aid the other night .
11 The helots are directly responsible for Spartan military supremacy in Greece : a great revolt ( the Second Messenian War ) in the seventh century caused Sparta to impose on her citizens a strict military discipline , the agoge .
12 There began to appear on his stall the occasional letter , its edges artfully worn , its folds artfully aged .
13 Beyond the timber , brick and stone structures themselves and their tiled or slated roofs , there is virtually no direct evidence to confirm the presence of carpenters , masons , bricklayers , slaters , tilers and thatchers , and it is difficult to guess to what degree the local construction industry was a specialist concern .
14 The Danzig Party leapt into the political struggles of the Volkstag with renewed energy and Forster settled down with confidence to work at his leisure the rich vein of economic discontent that ran right through every strata of Free City society .
15 Dressed sombrely in a black suit splendidly contrasted with the Order of St George , he refused to plead , but persistently demanded to know by what authority a small minority of the House of Commons , without any participation of the House of Lords , could bring him to trial .
16 ‘ I want to paint men and women with that something of the eternal which the halo used to symbolize , ’ Van Gogh had written , groping to define for his brother the human essence that was his aim in pictures such as this . ’
17 Because of the many opportunities that a designer has of seeing many types and design of kitchen equipment in action , he is able to pick for his client the best type and design for the job in hand .
18 Hurrying under cover of darkness up to Roscarrock Hall where a real priest was visiting from Ireland or Spain , they whispered their confessions to him , received absolution from him and knelt in the Roscarrock family chapel to hear a proper Latin Mass and to receive in their mouths the living sacrifice , the Body of Christ .
19 We will now see if it is possible to state in what circumstances the different tones are used within the very limited context of the words ‘ yes ’ and ‘ no ’ said in isolation .
20 Consequently , in those species that continue to grow throughout their lives the larger size-class contain progressively more females ( Coe , 1944 ) .
21 He then decided to fit into his lounge the biggest tank possible .
22 Most important , since form was now largely suggested rather than clearly defined , and since a strong linear quality was retained in the finished painting , it became much easier to combine the various views of an object or to synthesize in its depiction a greater amount of information .
23 Wagner began to assume in his mind a heroic , aesthetic , Schopenhauerian status , so that it was natural for him to couple the two even before he had any reason to suppose that Wagner was at all interested in the philosopher .
24 For a number of years after the war they were also expected to administer to their classes a daily dose of cod liver oil tablets and a spoonful of malt .
25 The women who assemble stationery or shoes have to inflict on their families the permanent , sickly , and probably unhealthy smell of glue and solvents .
26 Okay , let's swap over , what I want you to remember is it 's not a conversation it 's not the try not to get into a conversation what we 're trying to do is we 're trying to stick to one person 's trying to stick to their point the other person 's trying to take them off it , okay ?
27 Well these ex-patriots , I 'd like to look at their situation a little bit more carefully .
28 Now you 'll want to look at your watch a hundred times a day .
29 A spokesman said : ‘ She was obviously deeply upset but still felt able to continue with her duties the following day . ’
30 24–9– " The Session desires to record in their minutes the following resolution annent the Church question , viz. that they resolve unanimously to adhere to the union of 1900 .
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