Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Soviet negotiators had been eager to preserve for the Soviet Union the right to retain something close to 80 per cent of the Warsaw Pact total .
2 And as the embarrassing minutes ticked away I began to realize for the first time the enormity of the problem which confronted Mrs Rumney .
3 Microscopy has come a long way since the 1670s when Antonie van Leewenhoek used his relatively crude instruments to see for the first time the bacteria that inhabit worlds normally hidden from the naked eye .
4 The fact that the people involved who killed Chai in the snackbar fight were mostly ‘ unemployed youths ’ , seemed to emphasise for the young intellectuals the disrespect for knowledge prevalent in a money-orientated society .
5 Why are we so ready to treat as a minor operation an alteration which involves a major transformation in the cat 's lifestyle and personality ?
6 That some compositors , and not only on the committee , took a more sympathetic view of the problem is suggested by one writer to the STC , as far back as 1886 , whose attitude seems with hindsight to be the most constructive approach voiced by an Edinburgh man : that the women be treated seriously as colleagues and an attempt made to integrate them into the cultural world of the compositor from which they were decidedly excluded : A trade female society should be organised , having in connection a sick etc. fund ; a reading-room provided with illustrated and comic papers and magazines ; a library of high-class light literature chiefly and encyclopedias , dictionaries etc. : and an efficient committee to arrange for a grand picnic every summer and social gatherings in winter evenings .
7 If the date for returning to work continues to slip for no apparent reason the claimant should be advised that we will be arranging for an independent examination .
8 The immediate task entrusted by Franco to Lequerica was to secure for the Spanish regime the approval of the western democracies without , as yet , severing its links with Nazi Germany .
9 If the point of the reference to Marx is to show that emergent English trade unionism had anticipated his conclusion that workers must take control of the means of production , that , to re-iterate his contemporaneous quotation from A Member of the Building Union : ‘ labour and capital will no longer be separate but they will be indissolubly joined together in the hands of the workmen and work-women ’ ; and again , this time from Bronterre O'Brien to the effect that the object of combination was ‘ to establish for the productive classes a complete domination over the fruits of their own industry … .
10 Eastman Kodak Co 's Japanese unit has had to pay about $20,000 each to those eight new college graduates for reneging on its promise to employ them : the money is to compensate for the psychological damage the last-minute cancellation may have caused them , and provide some of the salary they expected .
11 Two years previously , a campaign to write into the Irish constitution the existing legislation criminalizing abortion had got under way under the name of the Pro-Life Amendment Campaign .
12 Manlius Vulso a speech in 189 B.C. in which , to encourage in the Roman legionaries a contempt for the Galatians , he finds traces of Celtic barbarism even in Massalia : " Massilia inter Gallos sita , traxit aliquantum ab accolis animorum " ( 38.17.11 ) .
13 An equally acceptable technique is to write in the blank spaces the reference to a textbook that you may like to consult later .
14 There was one girl called Clara whom she used to meet in the lower corridor an hour before classes began : they had long discussions about Tolstoy , Maeterlinck and Ibsen , and were suspected of immorality .
15 Mr. Denzil Davies : To ask the Secretary of State for Wales whether he has any plans to meet in the near future the chairman of British Coal to discuss the state of the Welsh coalfield .
16 Should not the Government , in the last few days of their existence , bring to bear upon the Iranian Government the utter condemnation that is felt by the people of the United Kingdom for the disgraceful action in imposing a death threat on a British citizen in the capital of the United Kingdom ?
17 I never thought to find in the same establishment a Gooseneck , a Ramsbum and a Blitherdick . ’
18 But it would be difficult to find from the surviving evidence a single case history of this kind .
19 But they do exist to deal with operators who fail , without reasonable excuse , to provide in a satisfactory manner the services registered .
20 The thick hempen cords were slung round our necks ; a dusty-robed priest appeared as if from nowhere to recite in a precise voice the last prayer for the dying .
21 A former male compositor , apprenticed between the wars , told me that in his school , near Nelson 's printworks in Parkside , the foreman used to come to the top class every year and recruit " the brightest boys " .
22 By the end of the war this culture had been defeated , and the victorious Puritans and their nonconformist allies who had gained control of the reins of central government believed they now had an opportunity to impose on the whole nation the same moral reforms that prior to 1640 they had struggled to instigate piecemeal at a local level .
23 Then there 's a lady over here who comes or used to come on a regular basis a couple of times a month she comes now a couple of times a year .
24 Within this poem he clearly attempts to square on the one hand the darker representations of his sleep with his pansocratic visions , on the other hand , Pains of Sleep which was published at the same time as Kubla Khan illuminates the ancestral voices prophesying war .
25 They parted at the hatshop and made an arrangement to meet at the same time the following day .
26 It is essential to establish at an early stage the significance of the properties to the operations and overall value of the target business .
27 But Rostov 's experience of the Empire had not prepared him to find at the same time a complete absence of the poor and underprivileged .
28 Sonia Delaunay later expressed this theory in its simplest form : ‘ Pure colours used as planes are juxtaposed in simultaneous contrasts to create for the first time a sense of form , achieved not by clair-obscur , but through the relationship in depth of the colours themselves . ’
29 Yet these are small gains to set against the many reverses the right has suffered since Mr de Klerk started to undo apartheid .
30 The plans would become the absolute copyright of the Government , to choose from the several plans the whole or such parts as might be found desirable ; but the architects would not have the slightest claim to be employed in the execution of the works .
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