Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adj] more than [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Umberto Eco complains , ‘ Unfortunately , ‘ postmodern ’ … is applied today to anything the user happens to like ’ ( in Hutcheon 1988 : 42 ) : as he suggests , the term is increasingly used in the media to signify little more than vague approval of what is new and striking in contemporary culture .
2 Even when successful prosecutions have been brought , the courts have been reluctant to impose little more than nominal sanctions on miscreants .
3 It should be noted , however , that heads were on the whole reluctant to ascribe much more than moderate success to their coordinators in respect of any of these aims .
4 There are some within education who quarrel with an approach which , with an emphasis on objectives and skill development , appears to require little more than continuing compliance from pupils .
5 Even if the student attempts to revise , he/she will tend no to do much more than mere repetition .
6 But the most important point is that very often auditors are required to do much more than express opinions on financial statements , in the public sector in general and in government particularly .
7 In Hong Kong itself the political model put forward by the subcommittee was generally regarded as inadequate and designed to permit little more than token democracy .
8 The judges have been willing to concede little more than that separation agreements , divorce and certain other matrimonial orders which were not available in Hale 's time must have some effect upon the exemption .
9 Indeed , in the eyes of some , the clergyman and the wizard continued to represent little more than alternative conduits of a much needed protective magic .
10 Their faces have come to represent little more than voluble wealth .
11 In 1937 Sino-Japanese friction erupted into full-scale war , but even this failed to rally much more than token support for China in the West .
12 But this log-jam is going to take some more than human effort , however sincere and weighty , to break through .
13 The ludicrous premise the film establishes — a nice Mafia man drawn intuitively to some preppy WASP — is pushed just far enough to make this more than abject pap , while leading lady Penelope Ann Miller , as Sabatini 's daughter Tina , simply has the looks to pull her part off .
14 The ludicrous premise the film establishes — a nice Mafia man drawn intuitively to some preppy WASP — is pushed just far enough to make this more than abject pap , while leading lady Penelope Ann Miller , as Sabatini 's daughter Tina , simply has the looks to pull her part off .
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