Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adj] with the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One way of comparing the expected yield of an investment to its cost is to calculate the present value of the investment and to compare that with the present cost .
2 A second way of comparing the expected yield of an investment to its cost is to calculate the investment 's expected rate of return and to compare this with the prevailing rate of interest .
3 It was difficult to connect this with the vibrant person we all missed so much .
4 The fading light gave way in a matter of seconds to a moist , velvet blackness , as if a curtain had been drawn swiftly across the sky , and the shadows beyond the glow of the hurricane lamps immediately began to come alive with the shrill vibrations of the jungle night .
5 Slowly but surely , however , she started to appear happier with the new arrangement .
6 If it could be computerised , anonymous documents could be sifted to find those with the same author .
7 UNHAPPY rail passengers ' dreams are about to come true with the right sort of leaves on the line .
8 It is worth remembering that in conditions of mist or moonlight , the whole south-polar region appears blank , and Beta Hydri is often the only star fairly close to the pole to remain visible with the naked eye .
9 Thus workers die of avoidable industrial diseases and accidents , and it is sobering to compare these with the conventional crime of homicide .
10 Lord Salisbury espoused and practised a limited politics , but it would be reductionist to equate this with the doctrinaire non-interventionism preached by the LPDL .
11 Alexander appreciated that since most problems start in early life it should be possible to avoid these with the right teaching .
12 Given the steeper wage profiles in large firms it is not surprising to find intense competition for employment in these firms and employers are able to select those with the highest qualifications .
13 Each applicant is required to comply first with the General Entrance Requirement and then with the Degree Course Requirements .
14 ParcPlace intends going to cfront 3.0 with the next release .
15 well I , I wanted therefore to put take project into the national press and to promote the product , given that that was the larger product in the market place and therefore if you want that would set the standards for the rest of the market place , that 's what I , I felt we needed to do that with the increasing number of competitors moving into market place
16 The agency may be encouraged to negotiate this with the local court .
17 In order to do this with the minimum access time , random access files are necessary .
18 When you are able to do this with the major scales , try the various minors , modes and arpeggios , mixing them up as they might occur in a chord progression .
19 Yet , ironically , while the hereditary Lords try to restrain the elected dictatorship of a Tory government , the Labour party is gearing up to do away with the strange mechanisms underpinning this power to check .
20 In an attempt to rid the game of endless scrums , pushover tries etc. , the NZRFU has proposed to do away with the five-metre scrum by moving it to 10 metres from the goal line .
21 But while the legislators were vying with each other to amend insolvency laws which all were agreed were far from fair or just , in 1842 they were able to agree on the need to do away with the notorious symbol of that unfairness and injustice , the Fleet Prison .
22 In that office he had to deal first with the Visigothic king Alaric II and then with the Ostrogoth Theodoric I. He was twice accused of treason , but was exonerated on both occasions .
23 He suggested several ways in which a group such as the Club could reduce the time members have to spend trying to keep up-to-date with the latest developments .
24 Now we have to repeat that with the first team . ’
25 My hon. Friend is right to draw attention to the vital contribution that our roads programme will make to the west midlands economy , and to contrast that with the appalling implications of Labour 's proposals .
26 Tony even managed to find time to get involved with the early Interstella .
27 Tony even managed to find time to get involved with the early Interstella .
28 He is closely connected to both the lovers so , in this book too , we have a chance to see the situation from both sides , although it 's harder to get involved with the main characters and really understand their thoughts , feelings and motivations .
29 Ally McCoist , who invited Malta to take that with the two goals that took his tally for Scotland to 15 , also thrived on the good service provided by Pat Nevin , John Collins and Paul McStay .
30 This would then stimulate other institutions to change their rates too , in order for them to remain competitive with the clearing banks .
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