Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adj] to the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The much vaunted privatization of state companies , scheduled to begin in July , was repeatedly postponed due to legal and technical difficulties , and the promised cut of 360,000 civil service posts failed to materialize due to the constitutional safeguards protecting their employment .
2 The delicate balance of cooperation between them — occurring across the corpus callosum and involving some kind of filtering process — is therefore of crucial importance in allowing the left hemisphere to remain responsive to the right hemisphere 's influence , yet sufficiently in control to avoid overloading of conscious , directed thought .
3 These strategies for grappling with the explanation of most liberal democracies ' stability do little to reduce the problems that Marxist theorists confront in coming to terms with an enduring political alternative to state socialism , and one which most Western Marxists seem to find preferable to the Stalinist forms of state socialism .
4 Over a number of sessions the proportion of subjects showing a right-ear preference for verbal stimuli tends to increase due to the greater probability of change among subjects showing an initial left ear advantage ( Blumstein , Goodglass and Tartter , 1975 ; Shankweiler and Studdert-Kennedy , 1975 ) .
5 If an issue arises where one or other marriage partner is saddened , hurt or affronted by the other , the most important initial agreement is to communicate this to the other partner as soon as it is acceptable to them both to do so .
6 It s objectives , published in 1978 , were ‘ To detect , by quantifiable physical and biological means , the manifestation of ‘ earth energy' ’ at prehistoric sites and to relate this to the ultimate nature of earth energy and to the suspected prehistoric manipulation of this energy' .
7 I always used to relate this to the ghostly effect you sometimes get round a figure in a horror film .
8 In doing so , it does point out the importance of the Gulf oil reserves , yet it strangely fails to relate this to the massive forces available to Bush through the presence of US central command in the Middle East .
9 Therefore , a special change point had to be designed , incorporating a point blade in the conduit , which by the operation of a lever , could either deflect a plough onto the change point or permit it to pass unhindered to the old terminus .
10 To remain near the screens , he and Elaine had to stand close to the strange woman called Lacuna , but even Lacuna seemed less threatening than the jungle of lines and forms that were still proliferating everywhere else in the room .
11 She went to stand next to the long windows at the end of the room .
12 Standards of achievement exist of which the housewife is permanently aware , but which she can not often hope to reach due to the other demands on her time .
13 As things developed Piłsudski was to mix his own highly individual style of socialism with Polish nationalism in a manner reminiscent of James Connolly 's Irish socialism , and was to remain hostile to the Soviet Union until his death .
14 Behind the Prophet , Foster had fumbled out his personal radio with his left hand , his right now refusing to function due to the injured muscles of his upper arm .
15 It had taken Christina a long time to grow accustomed to the nocturnal sounds of the tropics , but she loved them now , and finally fell into a deep sleep , lulled by the incessant chirping of crickets , wind rustling the huge traveller 's palm outside the bedroom window , and the Caribbean sea breaking gently on the shore .
16 She set her drink down untouched and stood up , patting Li Yuan 's hand , then turned to bow low to the two T'ang .
17 The Shetlanders do n't seem to do that to the same extent they do n't seem to change their dialect .
18 The doubt is whether to extend this to the lower house , or introduce a French-style ballot for both houses .
19 When the original phase of the development of the airfield as an industrial park was revealed , the provision was for 150 acres , building was not to extend near to the valuable runway , but it was considered to be a deterrent to property sales , so the runway would be removed .
20 However , to classify this secondary discourse in a pejorative sense is to remain blind to the dynamic configuration of Nizan 's narrative technique .
21 If the 30 million square kilometres of sea ice separating the ocean from the atmosphere continued to thin due to the solar radiation falling on it , global warming would continue .
22 Studies in this field are difficult to interpret due to the inherent variability of the measurements of platelet function .
23 To attribute this to the ageing process per se is as foolish as it is to describe physical disease as ‘ your age , my dear ’ .
24 Finally we reached Porto that afternoon , by flying VFR through the valley route to the coast as the bases rose in the afternoon , and then up the coast at 1,000 feet , just below the base of the broken cumulus , with spectacular views of Porto , before nipping inland to the field to park next to the German aircraft — which we were relieved to see had landed safely .
25 Such an arrangement would encourage defendants to plead guilty to the lesser offence and thus spare the complainant the trauma of giving evidence in court .
26 As far as agreements between firms are concerned the Restrictive Trades Practices Act 1976 requires all agreements to be notified to the Director General of Fair Trading who is then required to refer these to the Restrictive Trades Practices Court .
27 Since so much emphasis falls on the pronouns , it seems to me natural to turn next to the basic grounding of education and humanity in the Renaissance , the trivium ( grammar , logic , rhetoric ) and to ask what these grammatical categories meant in Shakespeare 's time , and what they mean today , so joining the history of grammar — a subject whose importance to the study of literature is seldom realized — to modern linguistics .
28 Then later when they started coming home his real concern was counting them in , and it was in this period that these pleasant and very charming visitors frequently wanted to get nearer to the operational scene .
29 He had to get used to the new arrangement .
30 It took a few bumps on the head for him to get used to the low ceiling and the prominent oak beams , but now they do n't bother him at all .
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