Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 If society is to impose extra burdens on farmers ' costs of production in order to preserve or go back to an idyllic view of the countryside , which may never have existed anyway , it must pay for it .
2 Charles Kingsley and his associates saw the question , Cole records , as a moral issue ; and valued Consumers , Co-operation only because it helped to provide retail outlets for producers ' co-operatives .
3 This does not suggest that schools would need to amass great quantities of pupils ' work for an audit .
4 The move is part of the company 's attempt to strengthen consumer awareness of the Church 's brand and to extend retail opportunities for ladies ' and men 's shoes .
5 The results of these studies were published extensively in catalogues of private and public collections , and in what in French are termed catalogues raisonnés , that is to say complete lists of artists ' works .
6 The Bar requests that the Royal Commission on Criminal Justice consider the whole issue of the funding of legal aid defence work and urges the Lord Chancellor not to introduce standard fees for magistrates ' courts work at least until a report of the Royal Commission has been received and considered .
7 The court hearing , which lasted 23 minutes and took place in chambers , was told by Edwards that a report prepared by Knighton 's accountants — believed to show confidential details about players ' salaries and contracts , as well as other sensitive financial information — had ‘ come into the possession of at least one outsider ’ .
8 The first sift has to be based on the written application , hence the need for a good form and experienced people who are able to make suitable assessments of candidates ' experience , and strengths and weaknesses against the requirements of the job .
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