Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ society-as-parent ’ protagonists , on the other hand , tend to see parental rights as a force still to be reckoned with in law , agency practice and social attitudes .
2 The possibility of obtaining loans from the Phnom Penh museum was then followed up by the curator in Asian art at the ANG , Doctor Michael Brand : ‘ Normally it would have been the ANG 's desire to have more time , but 1992 was chosen because the Japanese were trying to borrow some objects for a show to be held in 1993 .
3 The ‘ starlab2 will boost limited resources for studying astronomy and will be able to accommodate 30 pupils at a time .
4 Purely an attempt to gather some confetti for a wedding in the town tomorrow .
5 The Commission has shown that it is able to act with relative speed under this procedure and has taken a variety of actions under it , including ordering a party to supply another party , refusing to allow undertakings to acquire further shares in a company in a takeover situation , ordering the cessation of predatory pricing and an order requiring the execution of a detailed supply agreement under which the Commission was to be notified of any price changes by the offending party or any case where it was unable to fulfil orders .
6 The SFO is expected to take a number of weeks to decide on whether to mount further investigations with a view to taking action against individuals and organisations .
7 This created a business grouping , with a spread of research and technical facilities and sales operations , from which it was possible to forge a rationalized enterprise to attack international markets for a range of products to meet specific requirements in a spread of user industries — acrylics , urethanes , polyesters and a variety of novel surface-coatings and adhesive polymers .
8 A NEW fund has been launched to encourage rural communities in a county to develop their own arts projects .
9 She may be able to work different hours for a period of time while her burden is shared by another member of the family or a neighbour .
10 So I went out , to find some sticks for a fire , and got myself lost .
11 The four visits that I paid to Rhodesia in 1971 with my small team of senior officials were regarded as furnishing sufficient firm ground to found serious negotiations towards a settlement .
12 This facility can be used to indicate individual items in a set of data that have to be treated in a special way , different from the majority of items in the set ; a special case is " undefined " items , which have not as yet been assigned a value .
13 Oxfam is working with the mining communities in San Pedro , the poorest part of the city , trying to provide basic facilities for a community where 27 per cent of the community have no access to fresh water .
14 BLANK screens in France this week should serve as a gentle warning for anyone tempted to write blank cheques for a seat at Britain 's Channel 5 television licence auction .
15 Kohl hopes that the council will become a way to revive these links at a time when Europe is very much looking inwards .
16 Yeah so anyway and I said that 's not very nice so we were talking this morning about her and I had to tell Ann did n't I that she drove to work three days on a trot in her bleeding lights two .
17 In Pakistan , it is common to find three generations of a family living in the same house perhaps together with aunts , uncles and cousins .
18 Sitthi explained that the ASEAN countries had instructed him to communicate these principles for a settlement to the Soviet leadership .
19 An 0.5 kb DNA fragment encoding aa 44 to 216 , corresponding to the N'-terminus of the human clone , was used as a probe to isolate three clones from a mouse cDNA library of PCC4 embryonal carcinoma cells ( Lambda ZAPII , oligo(dT) and random primed cDNA library from Stratagene ) .
20 ‘ It 's likely that its closure is a fait accompli but it would be imprudent not to try all avenues in a bid to keep it open . ’
21 He was made to work long hours as a farm labourer and , like thousands of others , he was classed as ‘ Untermensch ’ ( subhuman ) by the soldiers .
22 They have been thinking about the long-term future and have concluded that it will be very difficult to impose nuclear weapons on a population that is generally opposed to them .
23 You 'll find that many of your creditors , such as a building society , credit companies and so on , will be as helpful as they can if you ask them to accept smaller payments for a while .
24 to provide independent accounts of a range of new approaches to teaching information technology ; and
25 The longest cycle starts with the market analysis aimed at defining customer needs , and ends with the manufacture of a product to meet those needs in a manner calculated to make a profit for the company over the life of the product .
26 The Court of Appeal rejected the Council 's defence on the ground , not that the ticket changed hands too late , but that it was not a contractual document ; for no reasonable person would expect to find contractual terms in a document which was no more than a receipt for him to prove that he had paid and which in many instances ( i.e. in the absence of the attendant ) would not change hands until long after the contract was made .
27 Used originally to discover demographic facts about a population , this was later widened into seeking from respondents facts of other sorts , such as marital status , housing conditions , levels of education , leisure use , and even attitudinal materials .
28 A title for Jim Molyneaux has been speculated upon — it will fall in his lap whenever he wants to retire — but certainly the Government is not likely to offend unionist sensibilities for a time at least .
29 You can use this statement to write single bytes to a file .
30 Each teacher should be able to train 40 pupils in a year .
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