Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The morning after the general 's briefing , Iraq brought its latent air capability out of hiding , and tried to hit allied warships in the Gulf .
2 He said that the PLO would call on all Arab states to implement economic sanctions against the USA .
3 The company has also introduced a network licensing scheme to enable tools and compilers to support different versions of the Solaris environment interchangeably .
4 This , though , is probably the most popular modern vision of the Pacific — a vision of a place of unbridled growth , vigour and wealth , one that has helped to spawn modish concepts like the Pacific Rim , the Pacific Basin and the Pacific Community ( each of which will be considered in detail later ) .
5 As regards intent , the United Kingdom Government had never concealed the fact that the restrictions introduced by the Act of 1988 were intended to exclude Spanish interests from the United Kingdom fishing industry .
6 We climbed far enough to find some specimens of the Mount Cook lily ( which is n't a lily at all , but a giant buttercup found only at altitude in this part of the South Island ) , and while the others rested I went across to investigate a steep track up a snow-filled gully .
7 Pakistan and the United States would eventually have to accept direct talks with the PDPA , he said , adding that neither country had so far implemented any peace process .
8 The company also provided multi-discipline engineering and design services to convert the MCP-01 gas compression platform into a ‘ not normally manned ’ installation and undertook detailed engineering for modifications to Alwyn North to accept produced fluids from the Dunbar field .
9 The city had to offer higher than average wages to attract civil servants from the Reich and was also forced to make a contribution to the salary and expenses of the League of Nations High Commissioner to the tune of £44,000 per year .
10 It also wants to provide these services between the UK and Australia , Canada and Sweden , as permitted under UK regulation .
11 Throughout this period Sutton continued to work Saturday-night shifts at the Sunday Mirror as a sub-editor , and decided to catch up on his education by taking a BA in history at Goldsmiths College , part of the University of London .
12 A spokesman for the National Association of Funeral Directors in London said that it would be impossible to obtain comparative figures for the UK .
13 If Gundobad was responsible for the death of Chilperic , then Chlothild was not likely to encourage good relations between the Franks and the Burgundians .
14 IDB Communications Group Inc reports that its IDB Worldcom unit , yesterday announced that it had signed a correspondent operating agreement with British Telecommunications Plc which allows it to provide international services to the UK ; IDB is in process of acquiring TRT , which took over the resale of capacity on the British Post Office 's phone network from National Networks Ltd .
15 Its efforts to find new markets in the Balkans had provoked intense nationalist feeling among the smaller peoples of the region .
16 The Swede 's cheque for £7,110 enabled him to jump 39 places in the Volvo Order of Merit from 157th place to 118th .
17 They are less likely to write anonymous letters to the DHSS about widows and war pensioners : ‘ After all ’ they say , ‘ how she lives is her own business : she ( or her husband ) earned her benefit ’ .
18 Soviet leaders wished to contain local conflicts in the Gulf and Middle East to their region of origin and avoid the risk of escalation towards a nuclear threshold .
19 Price signals also failed to provide significant pressures on the BEA .
20 Established to rekindle Anglo-Italian relations after the Heysel disaster , the tournament has only served to blacken the name of soccer .
21 Designed to explore possible relationships between the NATO alliance and east European countries , the meeting was also warned by Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Uli Kvitsinski that NATO in a post-Cold War world should not aim to build up a " super bloc " which could in turn provoke a " fortress Soviet Union " response .
22 During the years 1955–57 , three new vehicles were built at Wolverton to replace old coaches in the Wolverton Royal Train .
23 There is , of course , no obligation on the Lothian and Borders Police Board to continue to receive these circulars from the Lothian Regional Council .
24 John runs the transport department with the help of his assistant Angela Pelling [ she of the friendly voice who used to answer all calls on the Felcourt switchboard ] .
25 Mr Major says it has so far proved impossible to visit all areas of the UK .
26 He vowed to sever all connections with the United States , ‘ against which , as against all other nations , I am prepared to draw the sword in British interests . ’
27 To celebrate twenty years of the RIBA Heinz Gallery , an exhibition ( the 94th ) was held in May of a selection of recent acquisitions .
28 American industrialists , critical of the performance of the occupation , had urged a reversal of policy so as to increase Japan 's capacity to stand on her own feet and not to receive excessive subsidies from the United States .
29 The fact that the Collection will remain open this winter ( as it did in 1991–92 ) , and that the permanent collection , including paintings by Pegeen ( the founder 's daughter ) and glass sculptures by Egidio Costantini will be on display , would seem to counter recent criticisms of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation made by Peggy Guggenheim 's grandsons .
30 I detest the architect Francisco Rodríguez Partearroyo who became famous for using a pick-axe to create two recesses in the Casón del Buen Retiro to make room for the ‘ Guernica ’ carnival to burst into life .
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