Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adj] [conj] the [adj -est] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If you wish to write more than the simplest assembler code programs for the Z88 , you will need a considerable amount of technical information about the machine .
2 Third , the so-called ‘ welfare state ’ has so far appeared unable to remedy any but the grossest forms of economic and social deprivation or effectively to restrict the range of wider socio-economic inequalities , in spite of the fiscal burden imposed on the population and the productive system as a whole .
3 Some have the full range of infrastructural provision enabling them to accommodate all but the heaviest industries , while others are capable of occupation only by light industry or warehouses .
4 Paul had had some difficulty in prising the really caked bits of spaghetti off the bottom of the pan but , with a light wristy action perfected on Wall 's sausages which burst their skin , he managed to get all but the blackest fragments out .
5 To date very little practical use has been made of such general relations because of the vast amount of experimental work required to test any but the simplest expansion in two or three terms .
6 They have a duty to make sure that the best principles of co-operation are applied to all they do in relation to each child in the name of the ‘ child 's best interests ’ .
7 Authorities will need to be fully aware of what these funds and other sources of European funding might have to offer their area , and to make sure that the fullest use is made of them .
8 Nucella has to bore all but the smallest mussels , but an adult dog-whelk can usually inject the narcotic between the opercular plates of a barnacle to relax the prey without boring ( Carriker , 1981 ) .
9 He knows the routine , he appreciates the need , if without relishing it , he is too much the practised professional to show more than the briefest irritation .
10 At the time of writing I was too taken up with the present to make any but the vaguest connection with what had happened to me in the past .
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