Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adj] [adv] with the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So we 're l , we 're l , we 're looking at a couple of the options to see , you know , how much will it cost to actually put the money on the policy rather than going to the effort of writing it out , and it 's gon na cost about two hundred thousand pounds just to do that , erm and that , we need , we need to weigh that up with the cost of actually dealing with ten thousand letters to clients , ten thousand enquiries erm I just wondered what your thoughts were on how we should proceed .
2 Uniplex is putting itself in a position to do that internally with the acquisition three weeks ago of IMI Consulting , a $2.3m Connecticut-based subsidiary of Uniplex 's $1,500m parent company IMI Plc specialised in downsizing , gateways , SNA and big computing environments .
3 Uniplex is putting itself in a position to do that internally with the acquisition three weeks ago of IMI Consulting , a $2.3m Connecticut-based subsidiary of Uniplex 's $1,500m parent company IMI plc specialised in downsizing , gateways , SNA and big IT environments .
4 Soper , has already purchased the house where Miller was born and plans to incorporate this along with the Control Tower into the Museum complex .
5 In the end , according to the classical writer Pliny , it was ‘ decided to do away secretly with the cause of the invasion . ’
6 His aim now , he said , is to break 70 today with the chance of making the top 24 for an automatic place next year .
7 I 'm going to take this up with the Minister , but it 's difficult to police remote tracks .
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