Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adj] [prep] [art] same [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Ivory continued to serve many of the same purposes in Christendom as it did in Classical antiquity .
2 Ironically , now that Renault and Volvo are part of a greater alliance they are seeking to use some of the same components in their two , separate gearboxes .
3 More recently , ‘ energy leys ’ have been found which appear to have some of the same characteristics .
4 Furthermore , although it is smaller , there is an area that corresponds to Broca 's area in the right hemisphere that does n't seem to have anything to do with speech but which seems to have many of the same connections .
5 er er is an attempt to follow some of the same processes , bulk buying , and erm to reduce the costs , wh which are there no matter who gets paid for what , the there are some costs .
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