Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adj] [noun] [noun] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 " Capital sums " — section 739(3) ( 4 ) states : ( 3 ) Where , whether before or after any such transfer , such an individual receives or is entitled to receive any capital sum the payment of which is in any way connected with the transfer or any associated operation , any income which , by virtue or in consequence of the transfer , either alone or in conjunction with associated operations , has become the income of a person resident or domiciled outside the United Kingdom shall , whether it would or would not have been chargeable to income tax apart from the provisions of this section , be deemed to be income of that individual for all purposes of the Income Tax Acts .
2 The ensemble were formed in Farnham eight years ago by Myer Rosen , to give amateur guitar players the kind of experience that is available to wind and string players in local orchestral societies .
3 POOLS company Littlewoods , which has invested millions of pounds in new high-speed scanning equipment to check coupons , is ready to give other business organisations the chance to use the facilities .
4 And for those who prefer to keep both feet oon the ground — with two balloon races schedule every day — the organisers say there 'll still be plenty to see .
5 How does he square the Government 's commitment to allow public service managers the right to manage with compelling them to opt for competitive tendering in circumstances where , he will accept , that can be costly to prepare and can lead to inflexibility in meeting changing circumstances ?
6 Two special fun days have been arranged to allow all Journal readers the chance to enjoy the delights of Britain 's number one theme park , Alton Towers , at a discount rate .
7 To maximise efficient land use the government has made a careful ‘ concept plan ’ indicating what every inch of land is to be used for .
8 Right , so it will be sel self defeating , job creation in the urban areas will be self defeating and most of the , the reason why that was particularly important because historically most of the job creation schemes that governments have put in place with or without aid in developing countries is in the urban areas , you know , it 's the erm subsidized industrial plants , subsidized erm manu manufacturing industry , right so that the import substitution industries er have been set up with government and or aid money , foreign aid money and what Harrison Todaro was saying you 're wasting your time putting money into these big projects , right , because that only in that only in erm exaggerates th the migration problem because it really will increase people 's perception of er job possibilities in the urban area , they think there are jobs being created by government there , that will happen as another , as another stimulus er let me just draw a little diagram what Harrison Todaro was saying right we 've got time here such to say horizontal axis marks the lifespan of some representative migrant , then you 've got wages , wages in the agricultural area and wages in the urban area like let's just say that this is the wage rate in agriculture , right .
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