Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] the new [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Later applicants may therefore wish to wait until the new practising year commences to avoid paying two sets of fees within a short period .
2 Comfortably installed at Manly , with five months to wait until the new Australian season , the coach 's reputation is enhanced with every sight of his former charges .
3 Sources at Bull say that in the multi-annual plan , although Pache is likely to outline further potential partnerships and cost-cutting measures , it is difficult to imagine that the new French government will refuse all further financing for Bull , letting it run the risk of receivership and the dumping of 30,000 workers , at a time when France 's biggest concern is retaining and creating new jobs .
4 The need to ensure that the new all-regular Army lived in conditions that would not deter recruiting became more pressing than consideration of the risks of capital expenditure on accommodation in areas where reasonable security of tenure was not assured .
5 In Leicester the Council got a Nonconformist chaplain for the workhouse and it was also able to ensure that the new public cemetery would be ‘ unsectarian ’ , that is , without an Anglican Chapel .
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