Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] the [adj] party be " in BNC.

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1 If that sounded a bit like the result of an army medical board it was appropriate enough : the chief purpose of this year 's conference is to signal that the Labour Party is ready once more for active service .
2 A barricade of flagstones prised up from the floor had been erected for a final stand and the Collector , snatching a moment to look back towards it , was dismayed to see that the other party was already behind it , thus leaving himself and his men exposed on the flank .
3 However this radicalization in land policy had allowed them to defeat the K M T and essentially led them to get into power so one has elements of pragmatism in their ideology and that how that you 've got to realize that the Communist Party was in a very precarious situation throughout these years , that how that although they did have a kind of er policy in th there ultimate aim of socialism , and although it seare appeared s quite strange that they were almost promoting capitalism , that how that their aim during this period was to eliminate feudalism which was the s and then to establish capitalism in order that socialism could take place .
4 so there are an awful lot of people , let me say , there is th it is a complete falsehood to suggest that the parliamentary party is n't behind the bill
5 It would not , however , be possible for the third defendant to suggest that the third party was in any way guilty of any illegal conduct .
6 From the vendors ' viewpoint , it will be important tactically to ensure that the preferred party is selected once all potential deal breaking points have been cleared with that party .
7 it is the responsibility of the party wishing to change w/o prejudice negotiations to an open basis to ensure that the other party is fully aware. : mere use of the words ‘ open offer ’ is not enough .
8 When people draft contracts they are usually keen to limit or exclude their liabilities and yet wish to ensure that the other party was absolutely bound to perform his part of the contract .
9 It simply stated that Mr. Cox was a long term member of the Communist Party and prominent in C.N.D. and that it was desired to investigate his activities to ascertain whether the Communist Party was manipulating C.N.D. in a clandestine way .
10 My hon. Friend is right to say that the Labour party is increasingly losing credibility with patients , the public and the NHS staff because we are seeing concrete achievements by the NHS as the reforms work out in practice .
11 I can not think of many times when I have been able to say that the Green party is very much on our side in this matter .
12 And it just goes to show that the Communist Party were very forward looking but
13 By 1926 and 1927 local Liberal parties were beginning to note that the Labour Party was responsible for ‘ dark passages ’ in the history of Liberalism .
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