Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] the [num ord] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Specific issue numbers may be entered or F and L to indicate the first and last versions ; the last version can also be entered as A to indicate that the next approved version is to be included .
2 The issue number can be specified as an actual number ( eg. 01.01 , 01.01A ) , or as L to indicate the last version of the module , or as A to indicate that the next approved version should also be included .
3 Specific issue numbers may be entered or F and L to indicate the first and last versions ; the last version can also be entered as A to indicate that the next approved version is to be included .
4 The issue number can be specified as an actual number ( eg. 01.01 , 01.01A ) , or as L to indicate the last version of the module , or as A to indicate that the next approved version should also be included .
5 Specific issue numbers may be entered or F and L to indicate the first and last versions ; the last version can also be entered as A to indicate that the next approved version is to be included .
6 The issue number can be specified as an actual number ( eg. 01.01 , 01.01A ) , or as L to indicate the last version of the module , or as A to indicate that the next approved version should also be included .
7 Specific issue numbers may be entered or F and L to indicate the first and last versions ; the last version can also be entered as A to indicate that the next approved version is to be included .
8 The issue number can be specified as an actual number ( eg. 01.01 , 01.01A ) , or as L to indicate the last version of the package , or as A to indicate that the next approved version should also be included .
9 Specific issue numbers may be entered or F and L to indicate the first and last versions ; the last version can also be entered as A to indicate that the next approved version is to be included .
10 The issue number can be specified as an actual number ( eg. 01.01 , 01.01A ) , or as L to indicate the last version of the module , or as A to indicate that the next approved version should also be included .
11 Very recent figures on the precise extent of subcontracting are difficult to obtain but the Fifth Basic Survey of Industry ( 1979 ) showed that over 60 per cent of small and medium-sized firms ( i.e. up to 300 employees ) were dependent on orders from other firms .
12 The case took 8 × 80 oz bottles to treat and the last three bottles had dye added to them at a rate of .5 oz per 80 oz .
13 It may not be too extreme to suggest that the last few years have seen a quiet revolution in the direction taken by our thinking about writing development and the teaching of writing in schools .
14 It would be a basic mistake to assume that the first correct answer is the only one that exists , so the scientist will conduct further experiments , trying all the time to prove the hypothesis wrong .
15 Without in any way prejudging what my right hon. Friend the Chancellor will do in the Budget , I seem to recall that the last Labour Government — on the back of a huge borrowing requirement — cut taxes just in advance of the 1979 election .
16 All the left needed to do was to ensure that the next Labour government was a real alternative , and not led by another tedious old right-winger like Callaghan , who had gone back to his farm blaming the lefties .
17 But the Left-wing were not satisfied and sought to ensure that the next Labour Government would do what the party wanted .
18 Taking a walk on the Malvern Hills the children were surprised to learn that the next highest point on the horizon is the Russian mountain range , the Urals .
19 The manuscript tradition seems to imply that the first sixty-five titles had no prologue , or at least there is none that survives .
20 Meanwhile , it will suffice to say that the next two years , from 1095 to 1097 , were passed in peace and frustration .
21 What did they think was going to happen after the last British troops evacuated the Canal Zone on 13 June 1956 ?
22 Members might like to note that the first half hour is usually a chance to chat ; we try to get the talks under way by eight o'clock .
23 In the ‘ Total Mentions ’ category , Oates records an ‘ incredible ’ 71 for Faber , but omits to note that the next three imprints ( Chatto , Cape , Hutchinson ) are all part of the general books division of Random House and achieved a combined total of 123 .
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