Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] [prep] [art] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The editor 's look suggests displeasure , but I am too elated to worry and with a skip I whirl into the revolving doors and out laughing into the night.But now , what a fiasco !
2 And , in a sense , we 've , just to complete what we 've been talking about so far , there 's always the question of press and magazines and house style , just to remind you that you really need to study formats if you 're going to try and as a freelance we talked about that yesterday .
3 There were many other primitives to come but by the time they arrived I knew it was just an attempt to revive attention .
4 Shall have to wait that in the window you know , my like the other one .
5 Catesby was rapping out orders for us to mount and within the hour we had left St Mary Grace 's , striking east for Canterbury .
6 It also held East Indian bonds , and the fact that it gave substantial mortgages on land has led Dickson to suggest that to an extent it was diverting funds derived from industry and trade towards the landed interest .
7 All we can say is that logical , easily perceptible solutions are always preferable to enigmatic ones , which may have forms so difficult to perceive that to the listener they seem formless .
8 Well we used to play that in the street you see , have the lampposts , the top of the yard and there , there and have to set a good target rounders .
9 Suppose , after all , that he had not gone to look and in the morning they had found her stiff and cold in her cot , her eyes glazed and unfocused , her lips blue ?
10 To insist that on the contrary it is a fact of nature is to fall straight into the classic folklinguistic trap .
11 She stood quite still not knowing what to do and after a moment he pulled away , reached into his pocket for a handkerchief and wiped himself , his hand and hers .
12 While it may be very pleasant to eat strawberries in December , it is perhaps worth remembering the energy used to transport these luxuries from abroad , the extra fungicides and pesticides used to ensure that during the journey they do not deteriorate , and the fact that though the strawberries may appear fresh , they have probably been shipped thousands of miles and kept in cold storage for months .
13 Accommodation should therefore be available both to assist them in the personal adjustments they will have to make and to ensure that at the outset they are suitably accommodated .
14 Our continuing priority in the 1900s will be to help unemployed people , and particularly the most disadvantage , to find work , and to ensure that in the meantime we pay them benefits accurately and on time .
15 Our continuing priority in the 1990s will be to help unemployed people , and particularly the most disadvantaged , to find work , and to ensure that in the meantime we pay them benefits accurately and on time .
16 They show very clearly that the Government are ensuring that , while we may reduce the personnel numbers in our armed forces , we are increasing the relative proportion of funds spent on their equipment to ensure that in the future they have the equipment that they need to perform the tasks that we set them .
17 I came to believe that in the S.A.S. he had realised his ideal of chivalry in a contemporary setting ; and that with our marriage and my acceptance of his decision , the two halves of his nature had come together , and for him the enigma of character had been resolved .
18 She realised that she still had fifteen minutes before the meeting was due to start and on an impulse she rang Paul .
19 It had been decided that the child was too young to understand and as a result she might suffer unpleasant after-effects , rather as people tend to do after eating something which disagrees with them .
20 Secondly , he was a designer whose work is hard to excel because of the inspirations he took from natural sources .
21 I had just enough sense to appreciate that as a pain it rated no higher than a toothache .
22 Also , I learned to appreciate that as a critic you say what you have to say and go on to the next thing in LA you never go on to the next thing . ’
23 He 's starting to realise that by the time he 's in a position to do anything that he wants , there 'll be nothing that he really wants to do .
24 I had never had to argue that as a woman I should have an education , become a theologian , own a house , or anything else .
25 She could not help them , so she began to hate than for the waste they brought into the hospital .
26 This is a reminder to go through your papers , particularly the offer of advance by a building society if this is on your file and requisitions on title , to check that by the time you go to completion you can satisfy the mortgagee on every point he , she or it has raised .
27 And to think that in the West they merely call it the Wall .
28 It is what they want to learn and at the speed they want to learn it .
29 It may be relevant for the Industrial Tribunal to investigate whether at the time he was dismissed and if not then when thereafter , he knew that he had the right to complain that he had been unfairly dismissed ; in some cases the Tribunal may have to consider whether there has been any misrepresentation about any relevant matter by the employer to the employee .
30 And he revealed : ‘ A deal was agreed with Frank Williams before that race in front of a witness and I have to say that at the time I felt very , good about racing again with Williams in 1993 .
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