Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 The minute they say well , no that 's no good to me , you 'll have to come and , you 'll have to come and see me at eight , say , well I 'm busy then I 'm afraid .
2 The Varga Plants , a wound from whose thorns replaces a man 's thoughts with an overwhelming urge to kill and turns him into one of themselves , grow naturally only on the planet whose laboratories have developed them : Skaro , home of the Daleks .
3 Neither lexicographers nor political theorists can or should hope to halt this process of constant revision , although they may legitimately aspire to guide or nudge it in one direction rather than another .
4 It was a case of , I mean we used to start and wash them at three o'clock in the morning because t you had to start then because you 'd never get it all done .
5 ‘ I 'm trying to decide if reducing it to four is a silver lining , ’ said Amiss .
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