Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] at the [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Its regulated , preventive surveillance features , in practice meant ‘ moving on ’ those civilians who dared to stand idly at the street corner .
2 Often George came in at five o'clock in the morning to hammer away at the pirate ship in the carpenter 's shop .
3 I 've planned me route , I 'm going down the M six , I need to come off at the spaghetti junction whatever it is , and I 'm going to check me clock and I 'm going allow plenty of time to get there .
4 At the very last minute Nessie handed the pig bucket to Tim , who was sitting at the back with Kevin and the children ready to jump off at the road end .
5 If I increase the bubbles in the column they just seem to come out at the water inlet holes at the water surface .
6 If they say we 've got to pay it , well then I 'll have to come back at the council meeting .
7 Oxygen depletion causes fish to gulp strongly at the water surface .
8 I have n't enjoyed the last two years down there , but erm as I say , let's stick our necks out and say ‘ United are going to win down at the County ground ’ .
9 On the way to my next appointment with Denis King , a piano and some Joyce Grenfell songs , I stopped at a nearby theatre to smile winsomely at the box office boys in the hope that they 'd recognize me , in spite of my Titian disguise , and sell me some tickets for their sell-out play .
10 ‘ Did you get a chance to look in at the side studio , when they were there last Friday ?
11 The log transformation was found to fit nicely at the zero position on the ladder of powers .
12 It therefore seems to be necessary to look carefully at the contract terms before deciding whether or not there is redundancy .
13 I urge all those considering the purchase of a house — including brand-new houses — to look carefully at the energy efficiency or otherwise of those dwellings .
14 If you like to look back at the cathedral office in an hour , I 'll see it 's ready for you .
15 FACED with the need for a quick method of raising revenue , the Chancellor must have been tempted to look closely at the energy sector in finalising plans for tomorrow 's Budget .
16 With particular regard to the interests of our client , other than taking an overview , we obviously have to look specifically at the southwest sector as a as a possible location .
17 That 's why she would sometimes sign the order over to me so that I could put it through my account — otherwise she had to queue up at the post office , as I said . ’
18 When there is port bias on the line you will rarely need to start right at the pin end .
19 It would be advisable to build in at the planning stage something which would create a need for co-operation on the new planet .
20 It is not enough to switch off at the mains supply .
21 It is not enough to switch off at the mains supply or at the project 's on/off switch .
22 ‘ As I hold a season ticket I had no occasion to call in at the booking office .
23 On a day-to-day social basis the kennel staff , all of whom have to live in at the training centre , interact closely with the students .
24 Saturday was the one day on which he seemed to arrive early at the Herald office , but she doubted whether he would have got there yet .
25 Whether or not this constitutional tug of war is resolved by the proposed referendum on presidential powers in April — indeed whether anyone will get around to formulating questions for it , or persuading the battle scarred citizenry to turn up at the ballot box — are still matters of obsessive speculation .
26 WAC 's most elaborate ruse to date was to turn up at the Republican convention in Houston and install batch after batch of 20-by-60-foot high feminist slogans ( designed by Anderson , Kruger et al ) which greeted Bush 's nearest and dearest as they exited from the convention .
27 ‘ The point is , ’ said Dyson , thumping the car down into second to slow up at the traffic lights , ‘ a journalist ought to be specializing by the time he 's forty .
28 It 's all the the sycophants used to hang round at the school gate
29 Since many negotiations seem to break down at the implementation stage it is often worth making a prior commitment to monitor progress jointly and to meet again shortly after implementation is supposed to start .
30 Eurotunnel , where fears of another refinancing continued to eat away at the share price , and MEPC stood out as the only Footsie stocks to fall , off 1 at 402p and 2 at 286p respectively .
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