Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] for a [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It seemed to go on for a very long time .
2 Dirk Coetzee did n't have to wait long for a really big job .
3 Would it not be a good idea if the airlines , when checking in passengers in those countries from which large quantities of drugs come to this country , were to hand each passenger a paper in his or her own language clearly explaining that if they bring drugs into the United Kingdom they are likely to be caught and , if they are caught , they are likely to go away for a very long time indeed ?
4 Because the British planning system reinforces a natural tendency towards ‘ lumpy ’ growth , individual places tend to grow rapidly for a relatively short time and then consolidate more gradually , with the result that a place takes on a particular profile which then becomes relatively ‘ fossilized ’ .
5 Butler could n't adapt to his new defensive role , and Chapman began to look around for a more solid defender , not necessarily a player with much technical skill , but one who could clear accurately under pressure , feeding the ball to an inside-forward .
6 They seemed to stretch back for a very long way and Nuadu , narrowing his eyes , trying to find his bearings , thought that they must go back and back into the hillside behind the road and deep within the earth .
7 This can be so even where you have not had to shop around for a more favourable report .
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