Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] [prep] the first [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Under the new policy , anyone working on the twelfth floor will need to go down to the first floor to clock out , to the fourth floor to find a smoking room , down to the first to clock on again and back to the twelfth to carry on working .
2 The fact that the army and guerrillas had agreed to meet directly for the first time was seen as a breakthrough and a indication that " professional " elements in the army leadership wished for a political solution .
3 It was only when Cairo confirmed their names and service numbers that they were given the honoured status of the first Eighth Army troops to meet up with the First Army .
4 His solution was to come up with the first table of annual premiums based on life expectancy .
5 To catch up with the first part of the competition , the August issue can be obtained from our Back Issues Service , see p51 .
6 The Report was intended as a review , giving a complete survey ( according to its prospectus ) of Chemistry and its Allied Sciences ; it was to come out in the first half of the year following that reviewed ; and it would give a faithful and ‘ whenever necessary , a complete digest of each investigation ’ in chemistry , and its applications in pharmacy , arts and manufactures .
7 I have n't got enough background information ’ ; ‘ I 've got to find out about the First World War , and I 'm not sure how to begin . ’
8 Erm but to come back to the first criterion which says avoid the greenbelt , I know exactly what you mean when you say avoid the greenbelt , but if in the context of the wording before that where it says to be located beyond the outer boundary of the York greenbelt , do you need to have criterion one ?
9 Where an applicant voluntarily left accommodation but had then acquired temporary accommodation , the courts interpreted the legislation so as to entitle the local authority to relate back to the first accommodation and so to find that he was intentionally homeless .
10 ‘ I did n't ask you to come here in the first place , and I certainly did n't ask for your help out here .
11 The possibility of getting that accommodation encourages many refugees to come here in the first place .
12 It 's important not to lose your security of tenure in council accommodation — which is so hard to come by in the first place — by making yourself " voluntarily homeless ' .
13 I was confident I could wear her down eventually , but I certainly never expected her to come across at the first time of asking .
14 And this is a ph , like a photocopy , so what you 'll have is a nice printed version with Abbey Life blue , purely for you to get a feel of if you like , , and in this , we 're very quickly going to go through on the first sheet it will have activity and production and it will have your data there .
15 But if more deaths among the female goats resulted from the aberrant male breeding behaviour in this population , what caused them to behave so in the first place ?
16 An elderly English lady , with a tendency to pre-war propriety , who told me on the Friday that she was afraid it would all be ‘ another load of pretentious American rubbish ’ , said on Sunday that she had learned to open up for the first time in her life .
17 By opening the way for military forces to serve overseas for the first time since 1945 , the Peace Keeping Operations ( PKO ) bill marked a significant shift in Japanese foreign policy .
18 The move came four months after the Diet had approved a law permitting Japanese forces to serve overseas for the first time since the end of the Pacific War [ see pp. 38962-63 ] , and followed a request from UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali .
19 The total investment need is there from the beginning but it is split into two phases and in our thinking it is only too easy to look only at the first phase because this almost returns the organisation to profitability , and to ignore the second phase which may be essential .
20 If he managed to win through in the first round , there is now a second round of contests to be staged , followed by the final round later in the year .
21 We have to look back to the first quarter of 1988 to see a time when construction output was so low .
22 In the following example from the organ pedal melody of the Entrée in Messiaen 's Messe de la Pentecôte , only four pitches are used , yet the composer reshapes the rhythms and note-orders so skilfully that there is no feeling of repetitiousness or monotony : In Example 17 , from the slow movement of Bartók 's Fourth String Quartet , we have a wonderfully sweeping melody which seems to grow out of the first bar .
23 It is also important to differentiate here between the first flight of the day and subsequent flights .
24 Smith added : ‘ We did n't plan for a start like that , but it helped us to play well in the first half .
25 With the wisdom of hindsight it is easy to say that they should not have tried to raid there in the first place , but success had bred a certain arrogance .
26 It was only when he was confronted by God , broken and forced to give up his pride , that he began to see clearly for the first time the vast difference between living a self-directed life and living for God .
27 This , the biggest single enclave in Sussex , not only demonstrates the continued dependence of the prototype works at Newbridge on immigrant workmen , but also implies that there had been no great pool of indigenous labour to draw on in the first place .
28 The need to deal effectively in the first instance in communications with Council Tax payers , both face to face and in writing , and hence the seniority of staff required for this purpose .
29 Critics believe there 'd be no need to build such expensive treatment plants to extract nitrates if farmers were given incentives to use less in the first place .
30 Women are so utterly used to working with their own bodies : we are trained to do so from the first time we wear pink-for-a-girl , and a concentration upon the significations of our physicality is encouraged to a far greater extent than is the case with boys and men .
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