Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] [prep] [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 If they are to be more than mere training , then a process of informed reflection has to go on at the same time .
2 ‘ It all seemed to go on for a long time , but it must have been just a few seconds . ’
3 It seemed to go on for a long time .
4 To go on for a long time doing better and better exhibitions .
5 The fish tend to spawn all around the same time and pay attention to their own broods — equally the parents will see off any attempt by another pair to eat their brood .
6 The way I was doing the deal , everyone was going to have to work together for a long time . ’
7 The fact that the army and guerrillas had agreed to meet directly for the first time was seen as a breakthrough and a indication that " professional " elements in the army leadership wished for a political solution .
8 The statement reported the summit 's decision to establish a " special commission to consider the suggestions of the countries on the key aspects of co-operation within the CMEA framework and to work out in the shortest time drafts of new fundamental CMEA documents " .
9 I was confident I could wear her down eventually , but I certainly never expected her to come across at the first time of asking .
10 An elderly English lady , with a tendency to pre-war propriety , who told me on the Friday that she was afraid it would all be ‘ another load of pretentious American rubbish ’ , said on Sunday that she had learned to open up for the first time in her life .
11 By opening the way for military forces to serve overseas for the first time since 1945 , the Peace Keeping Operations ( PKO ) bill marked a significant shift in Japanese foreign policy .
12 The move came four months after the Diet had approved a law permitting Japanese forces to serve overseas for the first time since the end of the Pacific War [ see pp. 38962-63 ] , and followed a request from UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali .
13 ‘ The old adage is to promote harder during the difficult times , ’ admits Mr Bacon .
14 It was only when he was confronted by God , broken and forced to give up his pride , that he began to see clearly for the first time the vast difference between living a self-directed life and living for God .
15 In the bite-shaped hollow , a small mound of viscous lava was growing and continued to do so for a long time afterwards .
16 It is bad enough to fail one 's driving test once ; to do so for a second time reinforces the sense of hopelessness in the learner 's mind — he now has twice as many failures to build upon — so that he uses his ability to visualize in an even more negative fashion .
17 Women are so utterly used to working with their own bodies : we are trained to do so from the first time we wear pink-for-a-girl , and a concentration upon the significations of our physicality is encouraged to a far greater extent than is the case with boys and men .
18 ‘ The letters are the firms , the numbers are the prices in pence of a typical Alpha stock and the volumes they are prepared to deal in at a particular time .
19 Allow an ‘ activity space ’ around each piece , which can overlap with the next if you are not likely to use both at the same time .
20 Some are showing how to do both at the same time
21 Others who had coped well enough to begin with on those scanty mill wages , who had even picked themselves up and patched things together , the first time that demon of bad trade had halved their weekly pay ; the first time there had been sickness and doctors ' bills to eat up anything they had been able to put by during the good times — never much ; the first time a husband had suffered injury at the mill or the foundry , which meant no weekly pay-packet at all .
22 If you want information to go out at a specific time , time it very carefully , and just bung it out , as it were , and , and reckon it 's there at that stage .
23 THE first Norwegian whalers have put to sea to hunt commercially for the first time since 1987 in defiance of a global moratorium .
24 eh , the same number on four lines , but if were want to go out four people were to phone in at the one time
25 Even on the premier franchises , the marginal operator is likely to compete only at the best times while the franchisee is left to operate the full seven day service .
26 Doctors who treat food intolerance have observed the mental symptoms to clear up at the same time as the physical ones during an elimination diet , and to reappear when the patient tests particular foods .
27 ( A teenager who forgets to call in at the appointed time may cause real distress ) .
28 Fiona , whose businessman husband Rod Potts lives in Cumbria , plans to turn in at the same time as her baby daughter Natasha .
29 This piece of information caused Makins to slow down for the first time and look at me more carefully .
30 Having driven thirty miles and for fifty minutes , he is forced to slow down for the first time .
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