Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] as [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She would see Mama and Papa again soon , they were coming over well before the wedding , and what bliss to greet them as the future Marchioness of Blaine , beautiful blond Havvie by her side , eager to meet them — or so he publicly said — his private comments were somewhat different — more to the effect that he could swallow Sally-Anne and her dollars , but her parvenu papa was quite another thing !
2 In this sense , it is best to see them as a modern phenomenon and as part of a Bowing movement to find significance and variety in the landscape .
3 Because to see someone is to see them as a human being and to see them as a human being is to acknowledge them as such .
4 Because to see someone is to see them as a human being and to see them as a human being is to acknowledge them as such .
5 Once women have reached senior management , for instance , where they are the only woman among 20 or 50 men , some companies tend to see them as the token woman singlehandedly proving that the company is encouraging and supporting women to reach the top .
6 ( That is why we refused to treat them as a separate school . )
7 Unless the EC decides to treat them as a special case , it seems the only way out for them will be to give the toys away .
8 I first met him when he came to interview me as a young reporter .
9 CICS for OS/2 is not the only ‘ middleware ’ that IBM was touting at the end of March ; the company continued the theme by unveiling the first implementations of its Message Queue Interface , dubbed the MQSeries , and said that it will try to promote them as a cross-system standard .
10 England have been waiting for Chris Lewis to establish himself as a genuine allrounder since he made his debut in 1990 .
11 It seems that the ‘ most powerful screen actor since Brando ’ now wants to reinvent himself as an independent movie mogul .
12 To that extent , the EC does not seem to have accepted the ramifications of the post-communist years and has not decided whether it wants to consolidate itself as a rich man 's club at the western end of the continent of Europe , to which the east Europeans can apply for associate membership , or to widen its institutions , starting with freer trade .
13 It was on the basis of this document that the Roman Church asserted its prerogative to create kings , as well as to establish itself as a temporal authority .
14 In the US , for example , where the socialist party failed to establish itself as a major party after a fairly rapid growth in the first decade of this century , it has long been argued that the presidential system is a major obstacle to the development of third parties , and undoubtedly these constitutional factors have been important ; but it is clear that many other social and economic characteristics of the US have had a preponderant influence in determining the absence of a large-scale independent socialist movement or party there ( Sombart , 1906 ; Laslett and Lipset , 1974 ) .
15 One of the first kennels to establish itself as a consistent winner in the show ring was the Tankerville Kennel .
16 This suggests that while entry to the eurobond market is easy , it is more difficult for a firm to establish itself as a dominant player .
17 In Azerbaijan the Nagorno-Karabakh autonomous region voted to establish itself as an independent republic with the support of 99.9 per cent of those who took part in a referendum on the matter , and applied to join the newly-established Commonwealth of Independent States ; Azerbaijan , for its part , voted to abolish the region entirely , renamed its capital city and placed the whole area under the control of a military governor .
18 Yet it is a testimony to the strength of party during this period that the Court , despite the resources of patronage at its disposal , largely failed to establish itself as an independent interest .
19 By looking after its past employees , the army sought to position itself as a caring organisation which would encourage new recruits .
20 Alice Perrers 's intimacy with the king began in the 1360s , and she received lavish gifts of jewellery and clothes , together with enough property to establish her as a substantial landowner in her own right .
21 There was no sense in expecting any help from the boy , the only thing to be done was to exclude him as an irresponsible minor from the consideration of his own fate .
22 He felt he needed to rebuild the relationship — not , of course , to revive it as a total marriage , but to get back to the level of intermittent companionship which seemed to have gone .
23 Given that industrial democracy , defined as the ultimate right and duty of the men and women working in an industrial enterprise to call management to account for its performance , and , if that performance does not satisfy them , to replace management , is desirable in principle and as a means of making the efficient conduct of the enterprise their natural concern ; recognising that the rights of use attaching to ownership , whether in the private or public sector , are inalienable ; recognising the value in general of competition as a means of keeping production and provision sensitive to public needs and tastes , and as a means of relating the distribution of resources to them ; to consider ( i ) in what sort of industrial organisation would industrial democracy be feasible ; ( ii ) how far and in what circumstances would the adoption of such a form of organisation be feasible ; ( iii ) by what means should its adoption be promoted and how long would it take to establish it as a characteristic feature in the industrial scene ; ( iv ) what part should trade unions play in its promotion and adoption and what changes would that part require in their functions as they are commonly understood ; and ( v ) where in the case of a particular industry , or organisation , the general interest requires that accountability should be to the public at large , considered for example as consumers or users of goods produced or beneficiaries from services provided , what compensatory measures should be introduced so as to make good as far as possible the permanent denial to employees of a right which is in principle generally desirable ?
24 Rochlin ‘ feminizes ’ masculinity to just the degree required to rehabilitate it as the dominant term in the masculine/feminine binary , and he does this through the by now familiar move of positing homosexuality as the inadequate yet threatening third term .
25 Even before 5 October 1968 it was clear that the radicals around the DHAC were beginning to lose the initiative and would be unable to consolidate themselves as an alternative leadership for anti-Unionists in the city .
26 This being the case , the couple have to work hard to establish themselves as a new adult unit .
27 Bracing the lamp with his foot , he jerked the flex out and then had to steady himself as the unstable ground beneath him shifted .
28 He had the air of an aristocrat and as he turned to gaze at Blackberry from his great , brown eyes , Hazel began to see himself as a ragged wanderer , leader of a gang of vagabonds .
29 As the movement and the significance of British fascism owed so much to Sir Oswald Mosley , and as he increasingly came to see himself as the political spokesman for the lost generation and the survivors of the First World War , it is the impact of that event I want to examine first .
30 Important though these changes in the nature of the tax resistance movement are , however , perhaps it would be a mistake to view them as an isolated phenomenon , and to try to assess their moral and legal implications without also addressing some even more fundamental contemporary political , economic and social developments with which they are closely associated .
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