Example sentences of "[to-vb] [verb] [adv] [adv] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm glad young people do n't have to go to work so early these days , but for many of my generation , it was the accepted way of life , and most of them were happy in it .
2 The purpose of this study is to collaborate with a similar research group in Paris to try to find out why these differences occur .
3 In a survey of student activities one almost insuperable problem was to try to find out how many hours a week various sorts of students spent on ‘ practical work ’ .
4 Off just a four pounds higher mark , he looks a value bet in a race where the top three are strongly fancied but look likely to struggle giving away so much weight .
5 But we have to manage to find out how these people think , how we can convince them Even to protect themselves , one of the things we 'd like to show is look , using this mercury , you 're killing yourself .
6 ‘ I do n't know how I 'm going to manage to scrape together that much money by then . ’
7 But chemotherapy seems to have worked so well that dad can now make firm plans for the New Year .
8 ‘ Come on in , Saturday seems to have started rather early this week . ’
9 Which means that you 're unlikely to have to have quite so many ledger line notes .
10 The manual is very explicit on the subject , and covers everything you 're likely to need to know in quite some depth , including an enlightened explanation of IRQ , DMA and port assignments .
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