Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun] in the [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 About 10 per cent of solicitors — around 6,000 — might want to conduct cases in the higher courts , Mr David Ward , president of the Law Society , has estimated .
2 VHWs were trained to observe interactions in the different rooms of the health centre .
3 In the earth sciences this has resulted in decisions to reduce the number of departments offering Ph D degrees , and to concentrate funding in the remaining centres , which are thought to be centres of excellence .
4 On July 26 , Cabinet ministers announced that a new committee would review the financial benefits that the previous government had made available in order to encourage settlement in the occupied territories .
5 There were no cinemas or pubs or dances so that we were forced to find pleasure in the ordinary things which surrounded us , the sky and books and the changing seasons .
6 Controls on overseas lending by domestic US banks plus the quest for new profitable markets encouraged large US banks to establish branches in the main centres of euro-currency business , e.g. London and Luxembourg .
7 The reason behind the emphasis is an admission that not enough has been done to help the small , growing company and a belief that a key element in the failure of many growing enterprises to expand beyond a certain size is the lack of links with the right people to provide help in the major decisions faced at that stage .
8 The most common explanation for long-duration unemployment among older workers is that they lack skill which enable them to find work in the expanding sectors of the economy , and , being older , do not have the expected future working lives to justify further training and retraining .
9 The male penguin might just have calculated that if you 're stuck in the Antarctic for years on end then the cleverest thing to do is stay at home minding the egg while you send the female off to catch fish in the freezing waters .
10 The third is the new power the European Commission and the council will get to demand changes in the fiscal policies of members .
11 Much of her time was spent travelling , getting to know people in the various centres , encouraging the evangelical work of the local corps .
12 The Department needs to know about the incidents that staff experience as they do their work , in order to plan to make working conditions safer , and to train staff in the best ways of dealing with violence if they meet it .
13 We will seek new arrangements to enable first-time buyers to concentrate relief in the early years .
14 Stolypin 's problems were epitomized by the constitutional crisis that arose in 1911 over a bill to establish zemstvos in the western provinces .
15 The biggest long , Phibro , is said by traders to need cocoa to meet commitments in the physical markets .
16 I expect he 'll be flying over to Sweden to see Scotland in the European Championships .
17 His brother , who succeeded him as the Emperor Leopold II , was able to restore peace in the disturbed areas only by a skilful mixture of force and concessions .
18 Genscher was received by President Lech Walesa ( who was to visit Germany in the coming months ) , by Foreign Minister Krzysztof Skubiszewski , and by representatives of the Sejm and the Senate for talks on Polish-German relations , inter-parliamentary contacts , and Poland 's treatment of its German minority .
19 John Pedder , the window cleaner , was to render assistance in the casual wards as and when necessary , his wages being increased to £1 per week .
20 People from intelligentsia families have come increasingly to replace workers in the upper echelons of the party and the civil service because of their disproportionate share of educational opportunities and qualifications in a meritocratic system .
21 Similarly , national cultures are very influential ; it is much easier to create teams in the collective cultures ( Sweden , Norway , Germany ) than in the highly individualistic cultures ( UK , France , US ) .
22 This method ensures that an appropriate amount of contingency sum is left at the end of the design and at the beginning of the construction stages and , more importantly , that pressure to limit costs applies to design teams in the early stages .
23 Commenting on the move in an editorial on March 7 , The Hindu said that it marked " the logical culmination of one stage in V.P. Singh 's effort to eliminate corruption in the upper reaches of government and restore the integrity of the decision making process " [ see p. 37184 for initiation in January 1990 of criminal proceedings in Bofors corruption case ] .
24 The experience of this catastrophic episode in American economic history can do little to inspire confidence in the recuperative powers of advanced market economies .
25 Efforts over a prolonged period by the BMC and the Sandstone Climbing Club have failed to win reductions in the excessive charges here , but these efforts will continue .
26 In general , then , supporters of the ‘ society-as-parent ’ view tend to favour changes in the 1975 Children Act which facilitate the removal and transfer of parental rights .
27 He would like indicators that can help planners to avoid problems in the early stages of a project .
28 Instead , he promoted a ‘ Disraelian sense of the obligation of local businessmen to exercise leadership in the big cities as their predecessors had in the Victorian heyday ’ ( Parkinson and Duffy , 1984 , p. 81 ) .
29 No doubt it would be unthinkable to raise the taxes of a Briton earning £22,000 a year to help people in the poorest countries of all , where the average annual per capita incomes can be below US$200 .
30 Our intention was to identify differences in the binding specificities of these two homologous IE proteins that might account for their opposing functional effects on the IE-3 promoter seen in transfection assays ( 17 ) .
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