Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun] on the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But we do not claim that we have reached the ‘ vernacular ’ , or the most casual of possible styles , for any informant ( although some reports on our work have stated that we have ) : we merely claim that our data is rich and variable enough to enable us to classify styles on the stylistic continuum in an extremely well motivated way .
2 Draft specifications for the new science qualifications have recently been sent to schools , colleges , employers , lead bodies , professional organisations , and others , with a questionnaire to gather feedback on the proposed design .
3 By the 1960s enthusiasm for such industrial-type resettlement units was waning , and the rising unemployment of the late 1960S and 1970s made it increasingly difficult for people with chronic mental disorder to find work on the open job market .
4 By section 12 , the senior police officer is empowered to impose conditions on the proposed march if he reasonably believes that it may result in serious public disorder , serious damage to property or serious disruption to the life of the community , or alternatively that the purpose of persons organising the march is to intimidate others ‘ with a view to compelling them not to do an act they have a right to do , or to do an act they have a right not to do . ’
5 Is it worth killing off the unsuccessful part in order to concentrate resources on the successful side ?
6 The second option is to concentrate resources on the earned-income tax credit ( EITC ) .
7 The study will combine DTI Company Statistics with London Business School 's London Share Price Data Base to provide details on the top executive pay , company characteristics and share price performance for a sample of large companies over a twenty year period .
8 Gorbachev disclosed that " for the first time in recent years we laid quite a strong stress on what our economic relations should be like " , although he failed to provide details on the precise content of the talks .
9 Andy Nicol scything through the middle — as he sensed the outside pass to Tony Stanger was blocked — looked as if he would be able to detonate Stanger on the inside thrust , but as Nicol was clobbered , the ball ballooned off Stanger 's shoulder .
10 This plan is useful only for people whose incomes have risen fast enough to meet payments on the new loan and the debt on their old mortgage .
11 There are two ways in which scientists attempt to impose controls on the wayward world in order to learn .
12 This new index will continue to provide information on the relative movement in the average value of sterling , but it needs to be noted that the absolute value of the index is higher than the old index .
13 On 24 February 1986 , LAG issued a booklet , Lignite on the Loughshore — the case for community survival , which they circulated among politicians , universities and the media to increase awareness of the issue and to increase pressure on the British Government to hold an inquiry on both the environmental and social impacts of the mining .
14 The finding is expected to increase pressure on the British government to ban sheep dips , which contain organophosphates , compounds closely related to nerve gas .
15 The new undergraduate rooms in the Hodgkin Quadrangle have proved a most welcome addition now that it is both difficult and expensive for undergraduates to find accommodation on the open market .
16 The reader should endeavour to obtain information on the various exchange rate statistics published by his own country 's central bank or finance ministry .
17 My predecessor took me carefully aside to explain that this device was part of a plot by the Director of Education either to drive him from his place or to impose comprehensives on the whole campus .
18 Would the Irish Army have sufficient military strength to impose order on the whole island ?
19 For the most part , however , it was not the democrats who carried the day , but the Whig Founding Fathers , who were as concerned as their British namesakes to establish restraints on the popular will , to protect the interests of the rich and propertied , and to restrict the franchise to property-holders .
20 The usual way of bolstering the value of the pound is to increase interest on the international scene : But this action invariably effects small business adversely : This makes their survival more difficult , because of increased costs and pressure from suppliers who want their bills for supplies paid quicker to minimise their own costs .
21 WASHINGTON , D.C. Politics continues to wreak havoc on the National Endowment for the Arts .
22 He also came by with old radios and plates , jugs and silver candlesticks , anything he picked up on his roaming trips around South London while he waited for Eva to continue work on the new flat .
23 Once in the house , he carved himself a slice of meat from an ancient joint , put it on a slice of bread , and settled down at his desk with a sigh of pleasure , preparing to continue work on the Gaelic Dictionary on Historical Principles which he had been occupied with now for nearly forty years .
24 After several months ' work , during which time they lived in a caravan parked on the site , the owners , Mr and Mrs Bates were able to move into the future garage area of the building in August 1984 and to continue work on the upper-floor accommodation under the shelter of the reslated roof .
25 The TR-1 can fly over friendly territory , using the radar to detect objects on the other side of the border .
26 In this situation , it is often cheaper to hire labour on the open market when needed than to maintain workers and their families permanently on the estate .
27 Neil Greatorex says they refused to answer questions on the long term future of the industry .
28 Although Nizan was later to pour scorn on the moral self-righteousness and indignation of a non-communist majority in France venting its spleen on the treacherousness of the USSR , 8 and although he was also to recognise the Soviet Union 's need to act expediently at a time of impending international disaster , 9 nonetheless something fundamental had clearly snapped in Nizan 's psychology .
29 Unlike the leaders of the other three ‘ independent ’ homelands — all toadies of Pretoria — he is more than ready to pour scorn on the fundamental fraudulence of the nation he purportedly leads .
30 Make a special check at this time of year , fencing is put under more pressure in winter , because horses push against it trying to reach grass on the other side and mill round gateways wanting to come in .
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