Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun] [noun pl] at [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 New work patterns , such a partial shifts , mean that senior house officers are less likely to work for a single consultant and also make it more difficult for all junior doctors to attend teaching sessions at set times .
2 I suggest that it would be useful to publish his comments , not so as to set estate agents at each others ' throats , entertaining though that might be , but so that members of the public who intend placing their properties on the market may shop around and take their decisions in a more informed way .
3 Compaq Computer Corp says it is the first major personal computer manufacturer to receive a 1993-1994 US General Services Administration Schedule contract , which runs to March 31 1994 and makes it easier for the federal government to buy Compaq products at pre-set prices .
4 In fact he is the only man to win world titles at both codes .
5 They will , for example , know how to alert immigration officers at all ports and airports to the possibility of a child being taken out of the country .
6 Use a peg or other marker to remind you to leave weep holes at regular intervals
7 Optical scanning devices have become increasingly used for data capture either via some sort of bar coding system such as is commonly found at library issue desks , or by means of equipment able to read pencil markings at specified positions on a sheet of paper ( ‘ mark sensing ’ ) .
8 It is useful to obtain permission to execute trial holes at various locations on the site to establish the nature of the sub-soil , bearing capacity of the ground , and the water table .
9 It comprises methods for the partitioning of large IT systems into units which may be designed , constructed and used one by one , so enabling both users and designers to review system requirements at discrete stages of the development .
10 Environmental groups condemned the announcement as inadequate , pointing out that the UK target was lower than that of all other West European countries and fell short of the 60 per cent reduction in CO2 emissions which scientists regarded as necessary to stabilize greenhouse gases at current levels .
11 The UN convention calls on governments to stabilise carbon emissions at 1990 levels by the year 2000 .
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