Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] which [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Think so , ’ I said , checking the pockets of my parka which gave off the odour of Hoy Sin sauce mixed with Mocha-Mysore coffee ( filter-ground ) .
2 This may be due to the fact that the article appears to be ‘ lifted ’ from my newsletter which appeared in the Autumn 1992 edition of the ‘ Cornishman ’ magazine .
3 Since the owners of capital have always had , and continue to have , the ear of government it is their views which prevail in the legislative sphere .
4 Not least in the sexual , for both projected a red-blooded response to their manhood which goes beyond the merely sexual or corporeal , claiming — demanding ! — the full world of nature and manhood as their proper spheres : nothing was to be too sacred , for all is sacred — a Blakeian conception which predates Blake in its patent Jewishness by millennia , not centuries .
5 Have people lost a clearer ‘ sense of obligation ’ to assist their kin which existed in the past ?
6 She was a passenger in a van being driven by her husband which pulled across the path of another vehicle .
7 Local planning authorities are also deemed to have permission for any development in their area which accords with the provisions of the development plan .
8 The world champions , having wiped Ireland off their pitch , today settle down in Swansea preparing for the second leg of their tour which culminates in the 16th international between the nations at Cardiff Arms Park on November 21 .
9 The girls were at school , and no misery that Nenna had ever felt could weigh against their happiness which flowed like the current , with its separate eddies , of the strong river beneath them .
10 They are not active hunters and live largely on molluscs and crustaceans which they grub up from the sea floor and crush in their mouths which open on the underside .
11 A relaxation in restrictions and controls on capital flows was a key factor , but generally it is the increasing internationalization of business operations and their financing which lies behind the development .
12 She turned right into the High Street then jumped from the cycle and began pushing it up an alleyway on her left which led into the stables cum car park at the rear of the Berkeley Chase Hotel .
13 At 354 grams , it compares favourably with its competitors which lurch towards the 400 mark .
14 Next day , Dot was made to lie on a high hard bed in a glittery room without windows and they pressed a black rubber bowl over her face which smelled like the inside of her gas-mask .
15 Thus Morrissette was able to perform readings of his work which concentrated on the psychological realism of the texts in question .
16 There were no drawers : more or less everything else had to be in his suitcase which stood against the wall .
17 Held , granting the declarations , that it was the moment of adjudication of bankruptcy that caused the property of a bankrupt to vest in his trustee thereby causing an involuntary alienation of his property which resulted in the severance of any joint tenancy he might then be beneficially entitled to ; that the combined effect of sections 37(1) and 38 ( a ) of the Bankruptcy Act 1914 was not to vest title in the trustee retrospectively but rather to vest in the trustee when adjudication occurred title to property which was identified by reference to the property which belonged to the bankrupt at the commencement of the bankruptcy ; and that , accordingly , since the joint tenancy had not been severed before the wife 's death , on her death the husband , as survivor , became entitled to the whole beneficial interest in the properties , which on his adjudication as bankrupt vested in his trustee in bankruptcy ( post , pp. 206A , F–H , 207C ) .
18 But that day his mother had suddenly flown a warning flight , while his father rose into the air and swooped into the valley and back beneath the cliff edge , and suddenly a man was there with something green in his hand which rose into the sky above him and came down towards him .
19 ( c ) Books and papers An outgoing partner should be required ( Clause 22.01 ) to deliver up all books and papers in his possession which belong to the firm .
20 In the light of the recent debates over the attribution of the prints of Mantegna and his school which arose during the recent exhibition , it was particularly apposite of Christie 's to produce a beautiful impression of ‘ The Flagellation with the Pavement ’ ( B.XIII ) ( lot 30 , est. £120,000–160,000 ) , here attributed to Mantegna with a correspondingly strong estimate .
21 He was the son of and seems to have been co-ruler with King Cenred ( see Appendix , Fig. 3 ) , whose advice he acknowledges in his laws which date to the period before 693/4 ( when Eorcenwald , bishop of London , whose help he also acknowledges , died ) .
22 Thirty-seven stitches were needed to sew back a flap in his face which went from the side of his nose and tore the corner of his mouth .
23 Our firms which export to the US may have to raise their American prices , which could lead to fewer sales , cuts in production and ultimately job losses .
24 We will refund the part of your premium which applies to the rest of the period of the policy .
25 We will refund the part of your premium which applies to the rest of the period of the policy .
26 We will refund the part of your premium which applies to the rest of the period of the policy .
27 We will refund the part of your premium which applies to the rest of the period of the policy .
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