Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] in [adj] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 So when I went back to my surgeon in late January I was reasonably confident .
2 Putting my hand in one window I turned the catch and forced open the window .
3 Since the point has now been taken that in my judgment in that case I did not support that particular passage from the Master of the Rolls ' judgment , I should state that the reason was because I did not find it necessary to do so in the particular circumstances of that case .
4 In fact , in my time in central recruitment we have not used headhunters in any way , and there is little prospect of our doing so in the near future . ’
5 The prince always let her spend her money in any way she liked .
6 ‘ I 've done it again , ’ she said , twisting her lips in that way she had of showing disappointment with herself .
7 On its side in large letters it bore the legend INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION SYNDICATION .
8 To understand its meaning in this case it is necessary to consider Table 4.5 .
9 Like her heroine in Prime Suspect she found success the hard way …
10 The object of the game is to see who can shake it off in the shortest time without using their hands , but they can move their head in any direction they wish .
11 Following this expressivist logic , if a group is unable to objectify its interests in certain domains it may attempt to create its own cultural forms in some other field , although some groups without any resources are bereft of both power and prospects in virtually all spheres .
12 ‘ The sovereign Parliament quite clearly could limit the potential activities of its creatures in any way it liked . ’
13 Since jealousy has its roots in emotional insecurity it is these feelings , so often experienced but not recognised , that you must try to treat with sympathy and imagination ; remembering that you , one day , may feel just as your mother-in-law does .
14 Whilst the Habsburgs were consolidating their power in central Europe they were confronted on the east by Hungary and in the south by the Venetian republic .
15 Visiting his brethren in Southern Rhodesia he attacked apartheid in a sermon in Salisbury Cathedral so directly that he was deported and declared an ‘ undesirable visitor ’ by the UDI regime .
16 For his work in this field he was awarded the Order of the Hop medal at the International Hop Growers Congress in Tasmania in 1986 .
17 Norman was called upon , he was standing on the rock just behind Issaacs , swaying on his hips in that way he has , with his face turned up to the night .
18 Through his efforts in this direction he effectively mocks much that is dear to scholars , historians , literary critics and art historians , especially the concept of a clear chronological sequence : his answer to the problem of how a Mexican can ‘ belong ’ to the dynasty of European art is , as it were , to invade it retrospectively .
19 Without his Histories in Four Books we should know virtually nothing of what happened in the months following Louis the Pious 's death , and , more importantly , we should have had to guess at the motivations of those involved .
20 Shortly after his arrival in Spanish Town he wrote to his cousin William Charles , informing him that : ‘ … some of your shawls sold for 200 and 300 per cent.profit … ’ , but adding :
21 Allen had no home but slept in the church porch and earned his keep in any way he could and scavenged and begged when that was the only way to stay alive .
22 I mean , I do I do take your point about the culture , and it and it 's it is a significant issue , which will take some time , I mean , probably wi with your experience in Social Services you 'll know that a substantial number of directors of Social Services are in fact female , and maybe one of the questions that we have to ask at a senior level is , our s senior erm , chief officers , erm , the fact that we 've got no woman , chief officer , and it may well be because now that we 've got an equal opportunities policy , that we may get applications from erm , very able women who see that we have got a clear commitment to equal opportunities demonstrated in this paper .
23 With your foot in that condition you can not go very far .
24 John said : ‘ By reducing our holding in this block we are spreading our risk and freeing up funds for development elsewhere .
25 ‘ If you 're not on your feet in five seconds I 'll open your leg to the bone .
26 From our site in Old College it is only a few minutes walk to Parliament House , where the highest criminal and civil courts in Scotland sit , and to the local Sheriff and district court .
27 If you define your requirements in enough detail you could find that a good word processing package used with a laser printer could satisfy your needs .
28 which it ca n't be right cos , I suppose in a way it 's none of our business but it is I mean if it gets to it , it puts our company in financial difficulties it means it 's jobs on the line int it that sort of thing
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