Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] go back [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 My mind goes back to the original fifteen-year Hospital Plan , published in January 1962 .
2 My mind went back to the scene in that bedroom and the sliding doors to the paved patio .
3 Next day my father went back to the war and my mother back to the boarding school where she was on teaching practice as a French assistante , and spoke to the future wives of doctors and civil servants : Je suis , tu es , il est , nous sommes .
4 ‘ My father called me Breeze , ’ she added , as he seemed interested ; and as she said that her mind went back to the hot summer 's day when her father had given her the nickname which had been adopted by everyone .
5 Well it was n't er the wife it was a bit of a setback , we had a bungalow you see , a small bungalow which was in a very , very nice part of Plymouth , well on the outskirts of Plymouth actually , almost in the country and er , to come and find this , well to her it 'd be like a , a terraced house , her mind went back to the old days in Manchester where she came from with the old terraced houses and I think she visualized that then to go in a house that had a , a square room , do you follow ?
6 Its origins go back to the rediscovery of perspective in the Renaissance , and then to the architect 's drawings of the eighteenth century .
7 They strolled through Paris together , after her husband went back to the front .
8 Its legend goes back to the book of Genesis .
9 This ice cream boasts American parentage , though its ancestry goes back to the exotic sherbets which were made in the Arab kingdoms of Granada and Cordoba in Spain .
10 Hot cross buns , Simnel cake and Easter biscuits ( see recipes on page 60 ) contain currants and mixed spices that have been eaten at Lent since Elizabethan times , although their use goes back to the Middle Ages when only the rich could afford spice .
11 The ILP certainly broke up , but most of its members went back into the Labour Party .
12 After waking the older girl , her mother went back into the house to finish her coffee , and almost immediately heard first one , then several other cars go speeding up the lane past the door .
13 Even more drastic intervention was to take place in China ; its roots went back to the control of the Chinese government 's revenue by foreign supervision of the Customs from 1858 onwards .
14 Booth 's survey also had an influence on a similar movement in the United States , though its roots go back to the middle of the nineteenth century when a number of small surveys on the " dangerous classes " were undertaken .
15 As a last resort , she and her son went back to the Children 's Home .
16 But his eyes went back to the Workshops and he frowned and sought for the right thing to say .
17 As his eyes went back to the old lady , she saw the smile turn on again , and quick suspicion kindled in her breast .
18 His mind went back to the familiar and unanswerable question : who killed Newley ?
19 Once Ranulf had gone , Athelstan sat on the altar steps , his mind going back to the corpses he had seen : Vechey 's lying cold amongst those dreadful heads on the tower gate of London Bridge ; Brampton 's sheathed in dirty canvas in the death house of St Mary Le Bow ; Springall 's lying alone under its leather covering in the great four poster bed in his mansion .
20 He stressed that he had relinquished his deferment after only two months , thereby allowing his name to go back into the draft pool at a time when he could not have known that the draft would be shortly replaced by a lottery system .
21 His inspiration goes back to the early idea of Charles Frank , plus the fact that muon catalysed fusion was observed in 1956 by accident and the interest has grown in fits and starts ever since .
22 His researches go back to the 1950s : ‘ I was always fascinated by history — I spent five years as an architecture student and the reason why I did n't get through was that by the end I was much more interested in the history of architecture than other aspects of the subject , ’ he recalls .
23 His hands are tight across my back , then he lets go and as I walk out of the room his face goes back to the letters .
24 Our hosts go back along the jetty ,
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