Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [vb pp] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And my heart returned to a human being 's heart beat rate in — oh , just a few days , give or take a month or two .
2 Her kiss at the cottage gate left my mind occupied during the long walk back to the farm .
3 My mind blanked on alternate minutes , my heartbangs sounded like the 4.30 at Epsom , and my mouth felt like cat-litter .
4 Gustave did n't understand this , could n't see that my talent depended on the swift moment , the sudden feeling , the unexpected meeting : on life , that 's what I 'm saying .
5 With hindsight , she says : ‘ I wished I 'd kept my mouth shut in the first three weeks .
6 My back ached , my bum was sore and my mouth caked with the rich tang of the wine .
7 I was feeling very upset after having my handbag stolen in a large hotel in Liverpool .
8 Instead of the lake , my gaze rested upon a broken expanse of scrub .
9 ‘ I told her I 'd got my sights set on a high-born heiress and she damned near scratched my eyes out .
10 [ Balliol ] pressed me much to have my name inserted in the new Commissn for the Peace , but I absolutely declined it .
11 I made acquaintances , I met partners — that special freemasonry of glances — and gradually I saw my features reflected in the iridescent circumstances of Rio .
12 I had my daughter treated under an assumed name until she was five , to try and prevent the press from finding out things about her , and they have the secret name that I used for here in here .
13 Have n't had my hand kissed for a long time . ’
14 At least I did n't get my photo taken by the zoom-lensed police photographer on the touchline ( at least I do n't think I did ) .
15 I had all my symptoms condensed into a horrendous anxiety , my head
16 December 7 , 1786 : I am in a fair way of becoming as eminent as Thomas a Kempis or John Bunyan , and you may expect henceforth to see my birthday inserted among the wonderful events in the Poor Robin 's and Aberdeen Almanacks , along with the black Monday and the battle of Bothwell Bridge .
17 erm and as such a likely hiding place for someone to be was beneath the bed , erm I then lifted the bed with one hand , as I had my revolver drawn in the other hand , erm and then seeing no one was underneath it , I I dropped it again .
18 In each country my talks centred on the serious economic situation and military issues including proliferation .
19 On 26 April 1991 the Bank of England , who have entered the action as interveners pursuant to my order made on the first day of the hearing last Tuesday , served on the defendants a notice pursuant to section 39(3) ( a ) of the Banking Act 1987 , requiring them to produce at Threadneedle Street at noon on 9 May 1991 a number of specified documents ( comprising all or some of the documents covered by the injunction ) and stated to concern or relate to the accounts or related business of seven of the plaintiffs including A , on the ground that they were reasonably required by the Bank of England for the performance of its functions under the Act .
20 As my section settled into the straw-filled barn , I dumped the rucksack , and slinging the rifle over my shoulder , went off in search of something to eat , coffee or whatever was going .
21 Some years ago my family moved to a small cottage , which had one ground floor bedroom with a toilet attached , just perfect for Grandad .
22 They did n't attack me : my arms were pinioned and I was turned round , my face pressed into the dank wall of the alleyway .
23 Therefore it would also seem possible to learn a functional sign language without a positive desire to become deaf on the part of the hearing learner ; nevertheless , it has been the case in the past that those who have learned sign language have often been cast in the integrative mould and have had their views devalued by the hearing community because of it .
24 It should be thrown out and the electorate should make their views known at a general election so that the Government can come back with a better Bill at a later stage . ’
25 More than anything , though , the May 1990 elections provided voters with an opportunity to make their views known in the relative calm of the ballot box , and it was an opportunity they took in unprecedented numbers .
26 350 car workers have had their contracts extended by a further six months to cope with the demand for the Maestro and Montego cars .
27 Mr Martin warned the jury to beware of having their judgement swayed by the unprecedented publicity that had already surrounded the case at local and national levels .
28 Where their profits were associated with service to the Empire , their operations reverted to the nineteenth century ‘ tradition ’ of patriotic capitalism .
29 The former curriculum and courses unit situated some miles from Accra has been closed and its personnel transferred into the new division .
30 Bessie nodded , glad for the chance of making her views known to the young mother , and she quickly flounced off out of the kitchen .
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