Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [prep] all [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Quite my favourite of all the Kalman operettas , ’ he said enthusiastically .
2 He would give £5 to my mum for all the cooking and £5 to my father and £5 to my uncle .
3 I had pictures in my mind of all the sex fantasies we had been through … .
4 And er , I think , I wo I would wish to extend my thanks to all the finance staff , er , particularly Ann in helping us to arrive at this position .
5 She could just as well have been arranging my funeral for all the co-operation I offered her .
6 Just because I do n't go around laughing my head off all the time or … or spending money on bunches of flowers too big to fit into the car , it does not mean that I am cross . ’
7 She says I owe so much to my staff for all the work they 've put in to getting this place going again .
8 In those few days between seeing my surgeon and going back to the X-ray department I went up to that chapel two or three times a day , I did my visualizations with all the intensity that I could summons .
9 Then I took off my little gold earrings and felt in the folds of my dress for all the money I 'd saved or stolen from my brother 's pockets over the years , and placed both the money and earrings in the palm of her hand , forcing her fingers shut around them .
10 I made my way through all the guard checkpoints and got to the Hotel Intourist in the middle of town at about 11 o'clock when David and Geoffrey were just siting down to lunch .
11 I 'm reading my way through all the daddy 's books .
12 After a while , the bullying at school did n't affect me too much , and I was in my element with all the wildlife around me .
13 I do n't think she 's been five times to my house in all the time I 've lived there , now in the early days er she said that when it , hang on , she said she 'd never come down cos she did n't like er
14 Crowninshield sliced through my objections with all the brute force of his family 's fortune .
15 The Puddephat business was exerting far too great a hold on her ; she must put her mind to all the business connected with the new academic year .
16 She wanted to go down on her knees in all the muck and dust and cry and cry until she was sick .
17 Because they have seen the future they can not or will not speak of what they know so the Phoenix Guard are a silent order , pledged not to allow a single word to pass their lips in all the time they spend as guardians of the shrine .
18 Musicians in the Emerald Isle can now swallow their jealousy at all the music shows available to their English and Scottish counterparts , because soon there 'll be a special public music show in Dublin .
19 Then , just as this nonsensical question darted through her mind , something huge and heavy slammed into her back with all the force of a boulder slung from a catapult .
20 HOME RUN : Madonna scores a hit in her role as All The Way Mae in A League of Their Own
21 She filled her voice with all the anger she had in her body .
22 Nina turned the fragments of food on her plate with all the delicacy of an archaeologist lifting a shard on to a trowel .
23 But Jess hid her face , moaning into her hands with all the artistry she could summon .
24 By ten past nine the entrance and drive-way of the Grand Hotel had filled up with eager Tories , wearing their photo-passes with all the pride of the Old Contemptibles , conference agendas to hand .
25 Aelred suggested that the Commission write to the Rev. MacLean expressing their gratitude for all the help he has given .
26 LEEDS opened and finished this Regal Trophy second-round game at Headingley with tries of such quality as to mollify their followers for all the dross in between .
27 He laughed , a bitter sound that made her ache for all the pain it conveyed .
28 And Wexford who was an agnostic , a profane man , thought , Lord , how manifold are thy works in all the earth .
29 He had spent some time alone after talking to her father , had changed his clothes and had a shower , trying to clear his mind of all the stuff of history , the political necessities that ruled their lives , the reasons he must lie .
30 The hard-nosed bullet struck home into the bull 's chest , wounding it fatally , but it could not stop the lunging charge nor ward off the twin crescents of bone thrust upwards into his body with all the force of the seladang 's powerful neck .
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