Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [prep] the first [num] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He smelt the cigarette smoke and I was fired , typical of my luck during the first 30 years of my life , ’ recalls Caine , 59 .
2 ‘ It was always my intention after the first two years of trying things out to get a more stable situation after the European Championships .
3 I made a point of playing all my players in the first two days .
4 My discussion of the first two questions will revolve around Poulantzas ' notion of ‘ pertinent effects ’ .
5 My target for the first 6 games was 10 points .
6 Research shows that interviewers will make a visual impression which influences their decision within the first 45 seconds .
7 Research shows that interviewers will make a visual impression which influences their decision within the first 45 seconds .
8 The Gulamalis received their rent for the first three months , then nothing for four months , and were told the computer was broken , the accounts were being moved , the cheque was in the post , and so on .
9 Although REM sleep time was reduced , its proportion of the first 5.5 hours sleep was increased in the 5.5-hour sleep condition .
10 The delegates exchanged views on their experiences of the first six months of the pilot and considered the problems of offering general SVQs in a remote area , school-college partnerships , and the additional assessment , and produced a checklist of advice for new piloting centres ( see opposite ) .
11 Mrs Beveridge cared for Leanne 's two children in her home for the first 24 hours of the siege .
12 In a review of its work over the first ten years , its chairman , Lord Justice Sellers , claimed that the two institutions ‘ worked side by side in complete harmony and with some mutual assistance ’ .
13 At the sixth meeting members agreed that ‘ as a result of their examination of the first six courses they had established certain standards for assessment and were now able to make an objective judgment upon the courses submitted ’ .
14 More disasters followed , when it was found that the track had been laid slightly out-of-gauge , and all of the new cars 27–41 broke their axles in the first two weeks .
15 Either through this , or through their exercise of coercive powers , the great landed nobility were able to minimize damage to their incomes in the first twenty years or so after the first onset of the plague .
16 This study extends the work of a pilot study funded by ESRC ( C/00/23/2220 ) which examined the interaction between dear parents and their infants in the first 12 months of life .
17 The wind was taken out of her sails in the first two minutes when Oswin handed her a hundred pounds .
18 their percentages for the first three
19 The question is whether England reached their peak for the first 45 minutes of Hamilton or whether they have the resources of skill and spirit to play even better seven days later at Pukekohe .
20 In her report on the first two years , Ms Costigan said : ‘ The area where they live is a tourist area and on the whole is a very beautiful area , but for the young people who live here it does have its drawbacks . ’
21 On the strength of its hearings for the first eighteen applications the Reviewing Committee for the Export of Works of Art duly stopped all the drawings and starred the group , thus indicating its special status only the sixth time this has ever happened .
22 A woman has the right to stop work until her child is three and gets a third of her salary for the first 18 months .
23 Bridget looked after her son for the first eighteen months before getting a job so he recognises her as his mother , whereas it could be quite easy for a baby to start calling its grandmother " Mum " .
24 The Fourth Gospel , for example , does not lie when it puts into the mouth of Christ words , and whole patterns of speech , which we do not find on His lips in the first three gospels .
25 In his speeches of the first two books Satan shows a tremendous vigour , a responsibility to his followers , an impenetrable spirit , heroic determination never to be weak and inactive and an attractive charm and sophistication in his poetic and commanding words .
26 Unlike baby goslings which lock on to the first moving object in sight , the newborn baby will be relatively undiscriminating about who tends his needs for the first three or four months of life .
27 So only six pounds a month is actually going to get invested in his fund in the first four years .
28 Lord said he was at a loss to find room to play his shots in the first two games .
29 He revealed that more than 100 people were hurt in 81 accidents in his county in the first eight months of this year .
30 After a cautious start , Wharton , at 24 , a year younger than the Australian , took his time in the first three minutes before opening up with a series of punches in the next three rounds .
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