Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [to-vb] [adv prt] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He was using my car to pick up another girlfriend at the airport .
2 And it 's my intention to keep up this analysis , er , for as long as it takes , probably to the end of my life .
3 The three big Dobermans lay up , licking their wounds and nuzzling their flanks with their teeth to pick out small pellets embedded there .
4 Their attempts to bring about political change first of all through breakaway Red Guard factions , then with ‘ Democracy Wall ’ had led to repression .
5 Consumers may not have any more cash in their pockets than they did 48 hours ago , but it is their willingness to take on extra debt that drives demand for housing , cars , and other big items of spending .
6 Both Mr Segni , who is 50 , and Mr Orlando , who is 43 , reproach their party for its inability to bring in new blood and fresh ideas .
7 One woman from a small East Tennessee community who now regularly speaks before community groups , college classes , and official hearings , speaks eloquently about her own growth as a woman and the liberating effect on her action to take back some control over her own life . ’
8 My little book will have performed -a useful function if it persuades one or two of the best of its readers to take up this career .
9 She pushed harder still , willing her eyes to shoot out more power .
10 Through out the period the government made crystal clear its anxiety to shore up noble landownership .
11 Many felt that the SARFU should have fought the case , even with no hope of success , just to prove its determination to stamp out illegal drugs from the game .
12 Could this be the break that Virginia Bottomley is looking for in her battle to rein in public spending on health ?
13 Belgium subsequently insisted that one third of the waste be returned to Germany , where , however , there are no licensed storage facilities for it : opposition from the public and state governments had prevented the federal government from pursuing its plan to set up licensed reprocessing sites .
14 She went on looking at herself , willing her reflection to start up some reaction in her brain , but with no success .
15 It swims close to the bank and squats in the shallows where it makes ‘ vigorous paddling movements ’ with its feet to stir up small fish .
16 Newly independent Ukraine is angering the West by its reluctance to give up nuclear weapons .
17 The civil servants belatedly regretted their refusal to set up contributory machinery which , though costly in the short run , would have shifted the cost of future changes in the scheme onto the contributors .
18 The European Commission is set to take Britain to the European Court over its failure to carry out environmental impact assessments ( EIA ) on three motorway extension projects .
19 It was also seen as a way of raising standards of attainment : the specification of targets and the systematic assessment of pupils ' work on a national basis were thought to constitute a challenge to schools and teachers to raise their expectations , and to channel their efforts to bring about enhanced standards in pupils in the key areas represented by the national curriculum .
20 The conference also overwhelmingly renewed its policy to bring back capital punishment .
21 ‘ We are actively pursuing the matter with the contractor employed on its behalf to carry out this work . ’
22 At the same meeting at which the Vial memorandum was read , on 6 September 1791 , a letter to the secretary from Messrs Kirkman and Hendy ( who were present ) was produced : ‘ Sir , In consequence of your Advertisement we beg leave to inform you , that we have contracted with Lord Camden for about 100 acres of building land , near [ Old ] St Pancras Church , abutting on the Turnpike Road leading to Kentish Town , which is intended to be called Camden Town conceiving the situation eligible for your truly valuable Institution we request you will lay this our proposal before the Society — We hold this Land under his Lordship for 99 years from Michaelmas last , the three first subject to no Ground Rent , our proposal is , that Lord Camden does and he will under our direction grant the Society a lease for 99 years from that time , the three first subject to no rent but for the remainder of the term an Annual Rent of thirty pounds per acre , should this proposal meet with approbation , the Society have only to direct their Surveyor to make out any quantity of land and in what position they conceive will best answer their purpose ’ .
23 Peasants were united in their hostility towards the small number of households who left their villages to set up separate homesteads under Stolypin 's provisions , and , above all , towards the nobility .
24 With an eye on the trend for people with time on their hands to take up neglected crafts such as paint finishing and upholstery , Parissien notes , ‘ There are lots of courses on 101 things to do with furnishing fabrics , but there 's less for the layperson about structure , about actually saving your house . ’
25 Guide writers have a traditional obligation to honour the historical record , alongside their duty to point out present circumstances .
26 And of course such a perception produces its own reaction , in the emphasis on common sense and experience , in people who boast of having attended the University of Life , or feel it their duty to sort out young graduates when they enter their first job , or even in anti-intellectual or irrationalist currents in higher education itself ( Shils 1984 ) .
27 It was their duty to stamp out unacceptable practices — witchcraft , magic , and pagan superstitions .
28 If parents allowed their children to go out last year , what about going out with them this year ?
29 The problem remained , however , that they were still only a tiny remnant of the original unit , which severely limited their ability to carry out large-scale operations .
30 These cells may be important modulators of platelet function in vivo through their ability to take up adenine nucleotides and synthesize and release regulatory prostaglandins ( Roos & Pfleger , 1972 ; Blackwell et al , 1978 ) .
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