Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [be] [to-vb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Rather , my aim is to look at the kinds of assumption that informed the various strands of positivist criminology , and at the way they differed from classical assumptions in both theory and practice .
2 All he had to do to check on her story was to ask at the pub .
3 Her routine was to rise at a quarter past seven , bath , take a light breakfast and catch an omnibus into the City .
4 Theirs are the more menial chores in Hell — the fetching and carrying of water , for instance — and their reward is to suckle at a witch 's nipples .
5 He says it 's hard in a new league with new players but his job is to look at the positive things and not the negative ones .
6 The critic must study the text with the maximum degree of attention to all its parts ( Richards suggests ( 1970 : 317 ) that four poems may be too many for a week 's reading ) , but his aim is to arrive at the ‘ relevant mental condition ’ ( Richards 1970 : 11 ) associated with it , and then to judge this mental condition according to the principles outlined above .
7 Our policy is to recruit at the lower levels and train those staff who show aptitude for managerial responsibility .
8 You will not be entitled to redundancy compensation under Section 10 of the Scheme in the event that your appointment were to terminate at the expiry of the fixed term without being renewed or extended .
9 If your strategy is to start at the starboard end of the line and carry on sailing on starboard tack , the situation is as illustrated in Diagram 1 .
10 It will be looking at the needs of the lay reps the role of full-time officers the way we distribute the up to date information and one of the most vital to our organization is to look at the role of health and safety in the recruitment and retention of membership .
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