Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [verb] from [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 I 'm keeping my head swivelling from side to side to see if I can spot a space
2 I felt my head shaking from side to side .
3 My speciality shifted from building to wading through the Bunyala swamps with wellies and a rucksack on my back .
4 If you ca n't hear me at the back because my voice drops from time to time then shout away because I 'm not always aware of how well it carries .
5 So when I 'd picked myself up from the floor , my arm bruised from shoulder to wrist , I thought ‘ I 'll show the buggers . ’
6 Her accounts come from letters to a penpal and published in the Daily Express .
7 The prototype APT will resume its trial runs from London to Glasgow ‘ in the near future ’ .
8 ‘ A mottled black and white , their throats cut from ear to ear . ’
9 Ralemberg and his wife sprawled there , their throats gashed from ear to ear .
10 Since sexuality is so deeply inbuilt in us , it is there from the beginning and only its manifestations change from infancy to old age .
11 Six ‘ Quins players were unavailable , their reasons ranging from injury to illness .
12 Isolated spines are common fossils , and useful ones too , because their patterns vary from species to species .
13 If you simply put up but people still have to use their cars to get from A to B you 're not actually improving the environment at all and it seems that adding added habits habits habits er it it seems to me that proposals that we have represented and which create improvement in a number of areas or reduce the cut in a number of areas will actually produce a much more balanced programme for nineteen ninety four ninety five .
14 They came fast through the smoke : three men in black clingsuits , breathing masks hiding their features , their heads jerking from side to side , their guns searching .
15 Clutching their coupe-coupes , their tapping tools and their collecting cans , they waited dumbly , their eyes flicking from Duclos to the cane of the overseer nearest to them .
16 her lips moving from time to time
17 ‘ It 's time we left for the NEC , ’ Myra said , her eyes darting from Claudia to Roman and back again .
18 Doreen became agitated , her voice rising to a higher pitch as her eyes darted from Silas to Lucy .
19 She stole into the kitchen to find Sabina and beg some hot water in secret , before the others found her out ; Sabina giggled and her eyes flicked from side to side as Rosa described how she must have sleep-walked , how dangerous it was , how someone could have accidentally woken her and she might have fallen down , without being able to put out a hand to stop her fall , and died .
20 And where they were employed , their duties varied from place to place — some fulfilled judicial as well as financial functions , others might even have a military role .
21 Her mood changed from guilt to defiance .
22 Its range extends from bass to alto but it is most happy in the tenor register , where it is effective in sustaining or filling in the harmony .
23 And there was plump , placid , erotically drained Stuart beside me , looking so fucking … blithe , pretending it was nice to be met at the airport , and probably thinking about how he was going to claim back some Danegeld on the unused half of their return billets from Gatwick to Victoria .
24 As Madeleine listened to her brother 's quiet , sensible voice , her emotions seesawed from rebellion to anxiety .
25 Their reaction turns from pleasure to indifference or hostility as they realise what impending fatherhood actually involves .
26 Returning to London , and influenced by Ruskin and Octavia Hill , she went to work as a volunteer at a number of slum-housing projects around Marylebone , where her contributions ranged from carpentry to moral tutoring and advising the poor of the district on careers , and attempting to lead them away from the evils of alcohol .
27 Again the ball of flame rolled out but this time , as the dragon 's neck muscles contracted , its colour faded from orange to yellow , from yellow to white , and finally to the faintest of blues .
28 Her head beat from side to side and she said , ‘ Yes , yes , yes , yes , ’ again , then Lachlan — wiry , athletic-looking , skinny shanks ramming back and forth like some skinny bull — reached under her , pulled her up , his legs spreading , kneeling ; she hung onto him , arms round his neck , then after a few vertical stabs he threw her down , back onto the bed ; she grunted , arms still tight round his back , then she brought her legs up , right up over his thin , plunging , globe-buttocked behind , until her ankles were in the small of his back , rocking to and fro , feet crossed one over the other , locked there ; with one splayed hand she held onto his back , pressing him to her , and with the other hand she felt down the length of his body , over ribs and waist and hips , and with another grunt reached round and under , taking his balls in her hand , pressing them and kneading them and squeezing them .
29 Her grin ran from ear to ear .
30 In 1986 its profits plunged from $4bn to $2.9bn — largely as a result of a $1.3bn restructuring programme .
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