Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [verb] [prep] the last " in BNC.

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1 Such is the power of suggestion that that night as I neared the top of the staircase , my foot stumbled on the last step but one .
2 The war came nearer and my family went with the last train out of Maymyo , with hundreds of Anglo-Burman mothers and children proceeding northwards to Shwebo or Myitkyina for air evacuation to Assam .
3 The publication in April of Poems on Various Subjects , its preface written at the last moment in Cottle 's bookshop , was a genuine cause for satisfaction and received enthusiastic reviews .
4 Discussion revealed that women 's interests lay very much with lambing , first aid , dairy husbandry and financial management although quite a few were doubtful about their capacity to cope with the last of these subjects .
5 Ogden and Richards , in contrast , stress that words are used to ‘ point to ’ things , and that their meaning does in the last analysis depend on the things they are used to point to , their referents ; language may be different from reality , therefore , but it nonetheless reflects it .
6 Although there is no evidence , at present , of drinking water being contaminated in Britain , many reservoirs and lakes have had algal blooms on their surface waters for the last two summers .
7 But her voice quivered on the last word as she remembered the cold , dispassionate violence of the man in the alehouse .
8 Its history begins in the last years of the ninth century .
9 His three customers on the plane were a woman who had changed her travel plans at the last minute and a married couple starting a world tour .
10 We asked respondents whether they had been stopped ( on foot or in a vehicle ) or had their house searched in the last year , and whether they had been arrested in the last five years ( called here , ‘ stopped , etc . ’ )
11 Colonel Bumford took his opportunity to win on the last throw .
12 Tomorrow was too far distanced for his mind to wait for the last piece of evidence — a mind so ceaselessly tossing , as it had been ever since Lewis — wonderful Lewis ! — had mentioned that seemingly irrelevant item in The Oxford Times .
13 His confidence stems from the last two victories .
14 He is confident he will gain the 6pc swing needed to secure the seat and says a Labour victory will ‘ finish off ’ what his colleague started at the last election in 1987 .
15 And his voice rose on the last two words .
16 It was already poured , and just as his hand closed on the last glass with pale gold contents , he caught sight of Meryl near the window with Gladys .
17 ‘ As Kim Bailey does n't like making up his mind about where his horses run until the last minute , it 's been difficult to try for outside rides .
18 Has the size of your household changed since the last time you bought a kitchen appliance ?
19 Following amendments to update our Constitution approved at the last Annual General Meeting held on 27th April 1985 , three members of the Executive Committee will retire annually , which of course means that it will be necessary in future to hold elections each year to fill these vacant places .
20 yeah , we 've lost an enormous amount of staff probably a third of our staff disappeared in the last twelve months , and I think y you we must recognise it 's bound to make an impact and here we are sitting here feeling a bit shell shocked and that 's no doubt one of the contributory factors .
21 My Lords , er , er , er no doubt that all of your Lordships have throughout the last hour and forty minutes felt a great deal of sympathy with the Noble Earl Lord
22 In particular , you will probably have good reason to complain if your employer departs at the last minute from an approach to the selection process that has previously been announced .
23 I mean every year we have a campaign from about the middle of January to the end of February where we promote British holidays through our shop windows , and in fact I was just totting up our advertising spend in the last four or five weeks and I would say we have spent almost a hundred thousand pounds on partner advertising for Lunn Poly — book your holiday at Lunn Poly for U K holidays .
24 It would be most interesting to know if you can think of other potential members — our seminars have in the last year or two proved popular and have been extraordinarily cost effective .
25 Figure 15–8 shows the marginal benefit MB that your neighbour gets from the last inch of tree size and the marginal cost MC to you of that last inch of tree size .
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