Example sentences of "[pos pn] [adj] [noun sg] hold the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Boots is another major player , both as a retailer and manufacturer , and its own brand holds the number two position with 20% of the market .
2 Certainly the ethos of an Augustinian priory with its stress on the expression of an inner religious faith in the active life of the community would have been sympathetic to the characteristic concern Hilton displays in his writing not just for professional religious but for all those , whether in active or enclosed life , who feel that their religious faith holds the secret of a dimension of fulfilment to which they desire access .
3 Suilven is in view across the loch , its bizarre outline holding the gaze as the road continues in very pretty surroundings by the water 's edge , soon climbing and crossing more open country with glorious views of the rocky coast before descending to the shore of Loch Kirkaig and the little community of Inverkirkaig .
4 She started to get up but he said , ‘ Do n't go , do n't go , ’ and hurried out of the bar , running with his body crouched and his right hand holding the newspaper low down , like a soldier carrying a slung rifle running in to the attack .
5 He paused as he always did at the foot of the stairs , his left hand holding the lamp , his right hand resting on the banisters .
6 Then she saw Daak swinging above her , hanging by one hand from a cable that ran up the stanchion , his other hand holding the grenade .
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