Example sentences of "[pos pn] [adj] [noun sg] [pron] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 In my personal opinion I prefer the original ending because it keeps up the style and tone of the rest of the novel and also keeps the characters the same .
2 In the morning providentially we set off for the frontier , and there to my great delight I saw the familiar face of Mr Derrick Robinson , Rhodesia 's Assistant Commissioner of Police , standing beside a BMW motor car which was to convey me to Salisbury .
3 Now it is my beautiful Ma who has the wrinkles !
4 When I walk through my front door I hear the TV playing loud .
5 One of these was my own brother who led the resistance in the countryside around Nantes . ’
6 In my earlier reply I told the House what action the United Kingdom Government have taken , in concert with our partners in the European Community and other civilised countries , to condemn utterly the conduct of the Burmese Government and to call for the release of Aung San Suu Kyi .
7 In my last message I listed the impressive accolades won by you for Rentokil in the past year .
8 In my last garden I grazed the herbage with geese until mid-May , then left it uncut well into October for the goldfinches to take a part share of the seeds .
9 With her lower lip she tucks the upper lip into her mouth for a moment .
10 Holding the dead creature in her right palm she squeezed the pink plasticine , the white coat , the cotton hair into one amorphous lump .
11 Belgium and Luxembourg on March 2 , 1990 , abolished the dual exchange rate used within their monetary union which pegged the Luxembourg-Belgian franc for current commercial transactions while allowing the rate for financial transactions to float freely .
12 In her normal state she had the head and teeth of a savage wolf and the wings of a bat , although she would endeavour not to allow any mortal to see her thus .
13 There are a variety of methods of attachment but to ensure a tight connection ( which is essential ) the inhaul rope should be tied when the boom is parallel to the mast so that when swung down to its normal position it tightens the rope .
14 They believed , you see , that the tortoise was an animal of great purity — in its hard-soft form they saw the meeting of Yin and Yang , of Heaven and Earth .
15 With her free hand she took the golden decoration from him , examining it with care .
16 Banks tend to be tiered in this market according to their perceived creditworthiness which determines the overall cost of a bank 's funds .
17 In its second paragraph it accepted the overload thesis :
18 Demant 's own chapter would have been all the more attractive to Eliot because of its wide-ranging view which combined the primitive and the sophisticated .
19 It printed a [ bleached out ? ] picture of the river in its white state which over-emphasized the width of the river in a very misleading way .
20 In her left hand she held the arm of — I presumed — Mr Tuckett , a short , wide , ruddy-faced man with white sideburns .
21 In her left hand she held the hand of a small child dressed in a raincoat at least eight sizes too big .
22 Prison staff say it was only their quick action which saved the jail from being burned down .
23 In her rear-view mirror she saw the two men hurrying back towards the administration block .
24 . Newlands School F.C.J. Headteacher Mrs Joan Pickering with her unruly form who invaded the staffroom .
25 With her long sight she saw the size of the fire , and — well , she realised it would need at least five fire-engines .
26 Slipping her hand into her dressing-gown pocket she felt the cold slippery plasticine of her model of Dr. Lorrimer .
27 With the penknife from her dressing-gown pocket she sawed the piece of chicken into two portions and handed one to Thérèse .
28 After its first year it had the widest appeal of any soap opera .
29 Her first day there confirmed the differences between the regulars and the outsiders .
30 To retain its hegemonic dominance it criminalised the inner city uprisings of disenchanted youth , marginalised the youth of the black communities and removed trade-union struggles from the field of civil law to the arena of public disorder .
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