Example sentences of "in by the " in BNC.

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1 Taken in by the image of yourself they present you with , wrote Harsnet , instead of waiting in patience for the beginning , instead of waiting and then beginning , though beginning , having begun , he wrote , is not everything , is far from everything .
2 Both the car and the trailer were badly damaged , but because the glider was securely held in by the fittings , it survived the trailer going over on to its side without damage .
3 It will be interesting to see whether Japanese management practices likely to be brought in by the new top management will work in an environment where aggressive individual success , rather than collaborative teamwork has been the norm .
4 The unfair element is that the AFBD has been obliged to extricate itself from a CFTC hole largely dug by the Securities and Investments Board and imperfectly filled in by the Department of Trade and Industry .
5 This hit carpets and furniture retailing particularly hard , as did new furniture fire regulations brought in by the European Commission piecemeal .
6 Investment criteria that are applied as a matter of course to every other company are in danger of being abandoned completely as the institutions face the prospect of being sucked in by the Government 's subtle propaganda .
7 The City expects the Chancellor to alter but not altogether abandon the rule , effectively reducing the amount of gilt-edged stock bought in by the Bank of England .
8 On dry summer days the dust raised by galloping posses could be evoked by a vigorous soft shoe shuffle in the red Derbyshire clay , your sandals given spurs by a twig slid in by the outer ankle .
9 The son learned his football in a shared backyard or on ‘ patches of grit and oily grass , hemmed in by the crouched streets , with the rusty swings and roundabouts , which creaked under a cafuffle of ragged children .
10 Some birds and animals come via the RSPCA and he receives funding for these ; but he himself pays for the care of injured wildlife brought in by the public .
11 The plantation itself is close to a feeder stream that runs straight into the Cothi , as would acid taken in by the conifers .
12 He runs away to the city where he is taken in by The Old Lady .
13 It is still lived in by the direct descendant of Sir John Damer , who was perhaps so appalled by the building programme of his brother , Viscount Milton , first Earl of Dorchester , at Milton Abbas , that he vowed to build a small house for himself .
14 Also blamed are other Arabs — Lebanese , Sudanese , Yemenis and Jordanians — who were brought in by the Iraqis to help police Kuwait .
15 Some , but only some , members of the resistance distinguish between the Palestinians who were brought in by the Iraqis to do a bit of their dirty work , and Kuwait 's large and long-established Palestinian population .
16 Distance and size , says Berkeley , are seen in the way that ‘ we see shame or anger in the looks of a man ’ ; though invisible themselves , these feelings are ‘ let in by the eye along with colours and alteration of countenance , which are the immediate objects of vision ’ .
17 He had got used to being in this room , shut in by the four scrawled walls , the sloping ceiling and the unrelenting noise .
18 Dana felt so sick , he went straight back to bed , but had been there only a few seconds before he leapt out with a scream of agony : an autumnal , sleepy wasp had been brought in by the chambermaid among the bedclothes which had been airing at the window and had stung my friend on the bottom !
19 The first nail in the executive 's coffin was hammered in by the Westminster government .
20 Agricultural details were a nice reciprocal touch : the Hind helicopters , with which the Sandinistas were destroying the contras , had allegedly been shipped in by the Russians in crates labelled agricultural produce .
21 As you go in by the west end of the nave of the parish church , two black memorial plaques have been set into little side chapels on the north and south walls .
22 They claimed that mid-week polls showing a large Labour lead had shocked some floating voters into the realisation that opting for the Liberal Democrats would let Mr Kinnock in by the back door .
23 Scientific data is shovelled in by the barrow-load , emissions of ministerial concern belch forth from every conceivable government orifice , yet nothing happens .
24 Yet last autumn Christie 's sold another ‘ canal houses ’ garniture , perhaps popped in by the Vietnamese just to test the water , for a mere Dfl28,000 ( £8,484 ) .
25 ‘ Of witnesses we have no need , and as for the evidence , why … four barrels of brandy obligingly carried in by the accused themselves .
26 Mussels , for instance , do not need to go to look for food , as most animals do ; the organic debris they feed upon is wafted in by the tides ( or the river estuaries ) .
27 Further upstream , now hemmed in by the Newent bypass and the sewage works , almost cowering under the bypass bridge , in Cleeve Mill lane , stands Cleeve Mill .
28 We were taken in by the lies which the Lebanese told about themselves ; we had to believe we had not seen the blood on the stairs .
29 Mrs Chamoun guides him around the Emir Bashir 's palace at Beit Eddine ; he is clearly taken in by the mythical Lebanon of happy agrarian masses toiling away under the guidance of a benevolent leader .
30 Complete silence was expected nightly while he took stock of the world : ‘ after supper , the paper was unfolded and the old man began reading the four pages ; woe betide if any noise or talking was indulged in by the family until the task was completed . ’
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