Example sentences of "in [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 We wandered back home and when we entered the yard we were called in to go to bed early so we could get up to help in the morning .
2 I mean you do n't put a fiver in to go and then , then have to put more in to go to bleeding erm Wickham and back .
3 I had a very good man in to see to the heating and lighting , and the whole conversion was done professionally .
4 You and your PP take it in turns to be the ‘ explainer ’ and the ‘ explained to ’ .
5 A person who requests legal advice should be given an opportunity to consult a named solicitor or a duty solicitor [ solicitors in private practice who take it in turns to be available to give advice , particularly overnight and at weekends ] .
6 Lawrence runs away from us now , comes in to bowl to and that one he lets go outside is the right pronunciation , you giggle , you look at the B B C pronunciation .
7 Cluster of four fielders round 's back now , they 're all crouching as Tufnell comes in to bowl to , is it an appeal from Tufnell as the ball raps him on the pad but he 's playing well forward , but the question Tufnell is asking really to John Hampshire is he playing a shot ?
8 ‘ Well , fifty 's gone already in backhanders to a couple of the girls at Central Records .
9 You can not drill a hole in the boat and when water floods in say to your companion , ‘ It 's nothing to do with you , the water is coming in on my side of the boat . ’
10 ‘ Last term we had the dispenser in to talk to them . ’
11 ‘ He could , of course , from the son 's own appearance , have deduced that the father must be at least in his late sixties or seventies and he could , of course , have called in to talk to the father personally when he drove round to have a look at the property .
12 That evening , knowing that David was dining out , Anthony came home in time to have dinner with Comfort and looked in to talk to Julia before changing out of his hospital clothes .
13 He did not want to bring her in to talk to him , nor did he want to interview her in the presence of her devoted but sharp-eyed husband .
14 I 'll be like Geor Geo George 's mother one year and his mo and his mother was in her seventies he came in says to daddy ho gosh !
15 This meant that Jocasta was unlikely to come bouncing out and invite her in to listen to a Mahler symphony on her record player .
16 When the coup in Yugoslavia in spring 1941 interfered with Hitler 's plans for an attack on the Soviet Union ( Britain 's last potential Continental ally ) and a deterioration in mood set in owing to the threatening extension of the war to the Balkans , SD soundings of opinion again registered ‘ with what childlike trust the most ordinary people in particular look up to the Führer and our leadership of state ’ , convinced that ‘ the Führer has taken it into account and will deal properly with it ’ . ’
17 The house they lived in belonged to a German lady , a Miss Wacker , who had been home in her own country when war broke out and was unable to return .
18 the complexity of science , which renders forging a direct causal link between corporate practice and the death , injury , or economic loss of employees , consumers , and the general public , very difficult to prove ‘ beyond a reasonable doubt ’ , particularly when those ‘ experts ’ called in to testify to the relationship add so many qualifications and possibilities that almost everything appears possible but nothing certain .
19 In regards to its nature , we shall be principally occupied , not with what Mind is felt to be by its possessor , but rather with its operations as apparent to an onlooker .
20 Is there a repairs problem in West Belfast ? how does the repairs system operate at the present time ? is the policy of employing contractors for repairs adequate ? are tenants rights safeguarded in the tendering policy of the Housing Executive in regards to accountability to the community and the standard of work carried out ?
21 Since those days , American golf influences has been colossal , but , in regards to teaching , they have all — including Mr Hogan — gone back to old-time Scottish basics , or to Harry Vardon .
22 Another means of enhancing the qualities of base metals and alloys , at least in regards to surface appearance , is to bond together different metals in a process such as plating .
23 Of greater consequence however was the effect this incident had on the attitudes of West Indians in regards to their colonial masters .
24 However opinions vary as to what is meant by social support , and how it can best be measured , although the extent to which an individual feels that they have someone to confide in appears to be important .
25 I have no interest in Carmichael 's enterprises , but keeping in seems to be the only way to find what happened .
26 Contact Stan by telephone or letter at and maybe with prior warning you may be invited to drop in to chat to him personally .
27 At no stage would this reference ever be admissible because it 's not going to be relevant after your shield 's gone in because your shield going in relates to the questions understanding be agree or correct me but this is how I understand the situation .
28 It was fairly clear that there was going to be some smuggling as well but , even allowing for the often-repeated story that other ships lay over the horizon and sent boats in to add to the stock on board the single ship , the net profits from the ship could hardly have been much more than twice those of the slave-trading .
29 Somebody was saying rang in complained to Peter about the , the amount of , what , what are they getting ?
30 And Darren come in spoke to me and he says oh I Danny .
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