Example sentences of "ask how we " in BNC.

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1 The problems arise when we shift to the first person , asking how we come to have knowledge of the world , and asking how we are justified in dismissing the possibility that reality is wholly other than we take it to be .
2 The problems arise when we shift to the first person , asking how we come to have knowledge of the world , and asking how we are justified in dismissing the possibility that reality is wholly other than we take it to be .
3 Ethics is normally thought of as dealing with questions of action , asking how we ought to act , what it is , in various circumstances , our duty to do , and how we can know it .
4 People would stop in the street asking how we were and where we had come from all in perfect English .
5 A final section asks how we shall all know whether LMS itself is a success .
6 James Anderson , of Jarrow , asks how we managed to miss the series of disasters at nuclear power stations that occurred in the former Soviet Union during the mid-1990s , causing the flight of tens of millions of people towards western Europe and triggering the ‘ Refugee Wars ’ of 1995–96 .
7 ( When asked how we are feeling , how often do we shrug our shoulders and say ‘ Well , OK , I suppose ’ ? )
8 If we now ask how we could discover that all action is to be explained in non-intentional terms , and at the same time take the point that it could not be non-intentional in the way that mad or childish behaviour is , it seems that we should have to come to see all action quite differently .
9 If we now ask how we are able to get any grasp of the explanatory role of class strategy in Poulantzas ' theory , the answer is that we rely on our everyday , voluntarist understanding of it .
10 We ask how we can make environmental objectives tie in with business objectives — which means profit .
11 I asked how we were going to wake up because I for one did n't have an alarm clock on me , and he said , ‘ Always wake up when I want .
12 They asked how we linked words with objects .
13 He asked how we are going to pay for the borrowing .
14 " The judge asked how we could possibly do any more with the garden , and it 's true that the only way forward is by making small changes , which we like to do as it gives us so much enjoyment . "
15 At Watford Gap , though , everything was fine , and a nice tea lady saw my shirt and asked how we 'd got on .
16 And so it is necessary to ask how we are to transform the distinction commonly drawn between arts and sciences , or perhaps replace it , deep though it goes in the structure of our educational curriculum .
17 Despite the five or so light aircraft sitting on the apron , when we went to Airport Information to ask how we should get back to our aircraft we were met by blank looks .
18 But if we want to adopt an approach to family life which is Christ-centred in its essence , we must ask how we are to glorify God in the relationship of parents to children and children to parents .
19 Employing those conceptions , we can ask how we can know that we have succeeded in referring to anything , and how we can know that we have come up with an accurate description of what we have referred to .
20 We must ask how we can ensure that the health service reaches ever higher targets in areas of great social difficulty . ’
21 You may ask how we intend to define the objective ‘ foremost ’ .
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