Example sentences of "ask for an " in BNC.

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1 He then asked for an adjournment of the conference if agreement was not possible .
2 Western Isles ) asked for an assurance at question time that bursaries for Project 2000 nurses would not be turned into loans .
3 Accountants Touche Ross asked for an extension of time for the filing of a ‘ monitoring return ’ giving details of Barlow Clowes ' finances which was due by the end of that month .
4 We asked for an extra day , and that was fine .
5 When Jane asked for an overdraft , the bank manager ( slogan : ‘ We Like to Say ‘ Yes ’ ’ ) , a pompous Dad 's Army look-alike , after conferring with some nasty men in suits who turned their backs to her , had shown her the door .
6 Treasury Counsel announced that the Secretary of State for the Environment was now inclined to take the view that the statue was not part of the listed building , and so asked for an adjournment .
7 Only 11 people turned up but the football team-sized audience asked for an encore and Charman summed it up as ‘ Good . ’
8 As we set course down the first valley low stratus blocked our way , and since squeezing underneath received a thumbs-down from both pilot and passenger , we orbited and asked for an IFR clearance .
9 He was unable to repay , and asked for an extension .
10 Gandhi wrote to him on 14 February and asked for an interview .
11 He asked for an urgent meeting with Colonel Easterhouse .
12 ‘ I 'm Too Sexy ’ borrows one section from Jimi Hendrix 's ‘ 3rd Stone From The Sun ’ ( Hendrix 's estate asked for an ‘ inspiration ’ credit rather than money , apparently because they 're most keen for people to be directed to his music ) .
13 After all , the main reason I asked for an assistant was because of the danger of an epidemic of polio .
14 Burton asked for an audition and did one despite being told that all the parts were taken .
15 It was probably unconnected , but the superintendent nurse asked for an extra scrubber for the male side , and the temporary appointment was approved .
16 Christie , so adept at getting the aid of Administration for his own business , knew exactly where to look for help , and approached Lord Ilay through his deputy , Lord Milton , and without any attempt to bargain simply asked for an appointment for his son , promising that it would ‘ forever laye me under the deepest obligationes ’ .
17 On 8 August 1991 Feigen was approached by Hildenbrand : ‘ She asked for an appointment as an official of the museum and brought various Harmo Museum catalogues and credentials with her ’ .
18 He asked for an Irish song of love and loss .
19 His wages in 1780 were 20 shillings ( £1 ) a week and he asked for an increase to 2 guineas ( £2.10 ) a week .
20 To support his claim the Council asked for an ‘ amicable grant ’ — an unparliamentary levy of one-sixth on the income of the laity and one-third on the income of the clergy .
21 I then subsequently asked for an iris to be put into the Dalek so that we could do a close up of the eye irising in and out to get the effect of its eye focussing on you .
22 The petitioner asked for an order not to remove from care and control of petitioner .
23 Ranteallo simply looked sheepish when we first asked for an explanation the following morning , and it was left to Werner Meyer to give us an explanation , when he finally arrived to join us .
24 Lord Charnwood , in a very able speech , asked for an enquiry into the whole conditions governing the education , social and industrial position of the deaf .
25 When the Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales , and the Gwent and Brecknock Wildlife Trusts met council officers and their advisers they asked for an assurance the council would proceed with the bill ( 2 ) .
26 Obviously unwilling , he asked for an absurd sum for doing so , but eventually Omar settled with him for a reasonable amount .
27 It was from Dr James Mortimer , who asked for an appointment with Holmes .
28 ‘ When Mrs Howard asked for an escort , I naturally assumed we would assign her one of our own people .
29 The bank asked for an independent appraisal .
30 I contacted the North Devon District Health Authority and asked for an extra-contractual referral to be made for this operation .
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