Example sentences of "area and for " in BNC.

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1 Churn or utility brush : A short handled , stiff bristled brush shaped for use in awkward areas and for general cleaning .
2 Rough rabbit shooting conflicts with game shooting in most areas and for that reason is relegated to the months of February and March each year .
3 I agree that this scheme is significant not only because of what may be achieved for good in the north-west , but because it can act as a model for planning for other areas and for other denominations .
4 Against this background the Schools Council examined the curriculum in all subject areas and for all age groups .
5 The proponents of unitary authorities in the Royal Commission on Local Government in England accepted a need for a wider authority for some services in the metropolitan areas and for an authority that could prepare a strategic plan for conurbations .
6 In many areas and for many services there are few real competitors .
7 For larger areas and for more distant detached portions of parishes , a likely explanation is distant resources of either woodland or seasonal pasture shared with other villages .
8 Will the Minister ensure that before the review is completed we shall be able to have adequate information so that we can determine the implications for the various areas and for particular bases which are under threat ?
9 A good simulation should be incorporated into a project and offer the opportunity to explore the subject from different angles , relate it to other subject areas and for extension work .
10 Whilst endowing the local youth department ( Jugendamt ) for the first time with full and central responsibilities for the well-being of children and young people in their area and for the maintenance of high and uniform standards of services , the Act envisages that these responsibilities be discharged through the co-ordination of private and public agencies and organizations .
11 One councillor governor champion co-ordinated a petition from children and parents and even had the full council in chamber addressed by a group of young children in successful campaigns for a new swimming baths for the area and for greater access by children to school playing fields outside school hours .
12 The 22 areas each employ at least one training officer who is mainly responsible for planning a training programme for the bureaux in the area and for training further trainers who will collaborate more closely with workers in their bureaux and help implement the plan .
13 This line goes through two data points , the values for the Greater London area and for the rest of the South East .
14 The emphasis was thus on using firms for the development of a local area and for its people — rather than with using people for the development of private firms in an area .
15 September 15 was a day of great significance for the two Normans and all who had helped them , for the local area and for aviation itself .
16 The village like atmosphere of the Leidseplein ; the hustle and bustle of trams , canal boats , street musicians and organ players outside the Central Station ; the energetic buzz of the mildly naughty Rembrandtplein ; the peace and calm of the traditional Jordaan area and for the very brave the decidedly naughty but small red light district .
17 Putting on successively larger weights increases the extension and the " modulus ' is measured from the graphical plot of load against extension , corrections being made for the cross-sectional area and for the original length .
18 The Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 requires all police authorities to make arrangements ‘ for obtaining the views of the people ’ about the policing of their area and for enlisting their co-operation for crime prevention .
19 Therefore , the plaintiffs , a partnership in general medical practice , were seeking to prevent an employee once he had left , from , inter alia , practising as a consultant within a certain area and for a certain time .
20 For example , I mean the local authority , the City Council has provided er funds for workers in this area and for er an emergency shelter for young people in this area .
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