Example sentences of "ask [to-vb] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 A suspicious customs man asked to see Melms swing his 6-iron when he arrived in Britain for a ‘ golfing holiday . ’
2 Well erm Steve asked to write letters to Penny .
3 Readers will also be stopped at different points in the sentence and asked to identify words seen earlier .
4 So on the day that the inspector called on Peg Wooldridge , Nahum Morey was in London , asking to see papers at the Foundling Hospital which were strictly confidential .
5 ‘ I can not allow anyone , even the regent himself , to come wandering through my prison asking to see prisoners , especially such as Solper .
6 Attending conferences and meetings of women 's organisations or asking to address groups of boys will provide an opportunity for frank discussion which in the case of boys is very inhibited in the presence of their female counterparts .
7 Paula Wilson , regional publicity officer for the RSPCA , said : ‘ We 've never known a time like it in years , people are ringing us every day asking to take animals off their hands , they just ca n't afford to keep them . ’
8 He must not be asked to perform tasks in any area where an error might jeopardize the success of our forthcoming conference . ’
9 Where subjects are asked to perform tasks which do involve comprehension , consistent evidence for the interaction of syntactic processing with other kinds of processing has emerged .
10 The post was much too risky , so sometimes I was asked to carry funds to Parma on my bicycle .
11 Staff were asked to channel views through their Divisional rep — my views are set out below :
12 Ask to see examples of their work and contact references from their past projects .
13 ‘ . Resident clergy and dissenting ministers in the county had been asked to preach sermons in their respective parishes and meetings for the benefit of the infirmary .
14 Almost every week , at secret hearings in the High Court , judges are asked to issue injunctions against the media .
15 Sutherland was an unknown artist when he was asked to paint posters for petrol tankers and hoardings as part of the highly successful advertising campaign — ‘ Everywhere You Go ’ .
16 This is a fairly typical response of pollution control staff who prefer to err on the side of caution , in the form of wide ranges , when asked to estimate costs of pollution control remedies .
17 Asked to see things as if they were inoperative when they are not inoperative , one no more knows what to do than one does if asked to see things as if the phenomena of colour contrast were absent when they are present .
18 Asked to see things as if they were inoperative when they are not inoperative , one no more knows what to do than one does if asked to see things as if the phenomena of colour contrast were absent when they are present .
19 Most drama schools final productions are staged over a similar sort of schedule , which means agents are asked to see students ' work over a fairly compressed period .
20 Moreover , general practitioners may also be asked to see patients specifically to help social workers ' assessment procedures , and many fear that such consultations will overwork and underpay them .
21 On 26 July 1989 the appellant 's official complaint arrived at West Midlands Police Headquarters and Superintendent Fancott was asked to conduct inquiries .
22 The HCIMA has been asked to alert scientists working within the hospitality industry to this project .
23 Yet when men were asked to smell swabs taken from a woman 's vagina at different times during the menstrual cycle , they found the smells least attractive at the time of ovulation .
24 Being asked to write stories that would distinguish an idiosyncratic , individualistic and , in some ways , rather odd group of people from the militaristic , regimented and brutal régime they were fighting against , was a challenge to which many found they could rise .
25 He said the miners were being asked to accept wages that were even lower than they 'd been before the war and that their working conditions were appalling .
26 In assuming the title and arms of King of France in 1340 , he laid much stress on his God-given duty to recover his right , and in the speeches made by the Chancellor at the opening of parliament in the 1340s and 1350s the commons were asked to grant aids ‘ in pursuit of the king 's quarrel to recover his rights ’ , or in consideration of ‘ the pursuit of our right ’ .
27 SOARING sales mean workers at car giant Rover are being asked to work Sundays for the first time in living memory .
28 The earlier plans of 1939 were considered inadequate and in 1951 Mr Robert Frater ARIBA was asked to provide plans for a church to seat about 386 .
29 Practitioners were asked to provide details of practice size and whether or not their practice operated an asthma clinic , owned a portable nebuliser , had a register of asthma patients , operated a practice or local protocol for asthma care , or employed a practice nurse with special knowledge of asthma .
30 Those interested in using the service are being asked to provide details of whom to contact , expertise available and areas of interest in ODP .
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